A Small Space in the Inbetweens

I’ve been somewhat absent from my own life lately!  It’s true!  After a week of foreign(ish) house guests we had our sister, brother and twinnie nephews arrive at the homestead for a visit and it’s been delightful!  Presently, those two year old babymonsters are napping so there’s a small space in the inbetweens and I slipped out to the shops to nab a few groceries as well as pop into my local vintage haunt to look for treasure and simply do a little something for myself for a few minutes.  The days here have been brilliant — a pure mix of snowfall and sun studded blue skies.  I’m in some kind of weatherly heaven and can hardly wait to get up into the mountains for a good gallop.


In the meanwhile, I found myself thinking about collections while in Vain & Vintage this afternoon.  What kinds of little collections do you have?  I never claim to be a collector but when I look around my home and studio I realize I have some serious collections: vintage typewriters, brooches, nests, stones, feathers, the general detritus I find out in nature as well as coats.  Yes.  Jackets, coats and the like.  I have more than I can count.  What do you tend to collect?  I can’t help but be curious!
We’re already soaring towards mid-March, I can barely believe it!
Next week, I’m looking forward to:
-establishing momentum in the studio again
-a walk up Gibson Jack for a sunrise with my camera and the dogs
-catching up on my epistle efforts, I’m dreadfully behind
– RW will have the Airstream fully wired and he’ll get to work on installing the interior aluminum walls (after that comes my turquoise floor), watching his progress on the Airstream makes me feel calm when I think about summer
-gathering with our local friends for dinner or a movie or some other social clumping about, I’ve missed seeing them these past two weeks
-a haircut
I hope you’re all well.  Tell me all about it.
Thanks for all the spoon love!
Kind of like Little Red Riding Hood


  1. Ah, those precious moments in between. (Also when certain characters come out to play and I’m, erm…otherwise ‘indisposed’…and have no paper within reach. And no, loo paper does not cut it. Trust me, I’ve tried.)

    BOOKS! Everywhere. Every moment. Every minute. When our local Borders closed, I went into mourning.

    Happy inbetweenness! (Did you find any treasures??)


    • Just saw your latest ‘enfolding’ ring. God, that COLOR. It’s luscious. I want to eat it!

    • Ah, cripes. This morning the first part of my comment made perfect sense to my addled, sleep-deprived, brain. Now I realize that what I basically said was my in-between times are me, on the porcelain throne, talking to myself.

      (I have the Best. Life. Ever.)

  2. Sherri Tiedemann says

    Rocks, sea shells and sand. Disney cartoon movies and love are my favorite and most recent collections!! <3 <3
    When I was much younger I collected frogs and butterflies (all to be re-released) and stickers!!
    Thank you for asking! <3 🙂

  3. That last photo is remarkable, esp for it being on a timer!

  4. What a lovely post…made me feel good because I am in the lab and can only peak outsides. I pictured snowy and sunny blue skies and remembered living in CO…loved it. It is actually cool and bluey here too but I am not out.

    I don’t collect things on purpose, they appear to stick to me. Mostly shells, and that is done intentionally…if I think long my sinful list will grow. I do love pots…pieces of paper and ribbons….post cards, comics…

    I am going to a talk and look forward to it…I am looking forward to coffee…I sound pathetic but truly I just want to stand out in the sun with a cup of coffee and quiet around me.

    • You poor woman. I hope you got your coffee and stood in the sun under a blue sky for a bit. Sometimes walls really box a soul in. xx

    • Simone Turner says

      To Mona;
      Please do forgive the intrusion, but I just couldn’t help myself but smile and delight in your comment “I don’t collect things on purpose, they appear to stick to me” !! I love this so much!! It is so true! Thank you, made me smile and giggle!!

  5. oops…I forgot to send you a couple of hugs….hug hug kiss kiss little hug little kiss

  6. I collect a lot of things – all of which have meaning to me (despite what my husband may think!). I have nests, feathers; many, many, many shells; sea creatures (last summer in Victoria I was able to find a complete sea louse exoskeleton! very exciting!!); rocks; many, many, many books; piggy banks, etc, etc…. I’m starting to sound like a hoarder – I’m not though – all of my stuff is a memory or I think will be useful someday.

    • HA! I laughed when you said, “despite what my husband may think!” Rob always gets on me for bringing things home off the mountains. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of nest hunting and sometimes bring home five at once. It makes him crazy. But each one means something to me and each one is unique. I can’t help but bring them home.

  7. I can’t wait to see pictures of the finished Airstream-it will be such a gem! I just had to tell you that it is my dream, when I’m done with schooling and can support the hobby, to start collecting cake plates. The antique one especially catch my eye, but there are so many colors and designs-not to mention then I get to match plates with the cakes I make!

    • Cake plates!!!!!!!!

      My goodness.
      I bet there are some beauties out there. This must mean you are a cake baker. Will you share the recipe for your current favorite cake?

  8. collections:
    photos and clippings and poems and quotes washi-taped to the wall.
    noisy plume finery.

    your post has me thinking: it’s OK to consider that others will purchase family heirlooms.
    i mean: looking at you, looking at me….we collect. so do others. obviously.
    heirlooms find their way into the hands and hearts of those who will love them….


    • I’ve seen your beautiful collections, first hand, and I LOVE them. They tell so much about you.

      And I think your thought is a beautiful one. There will be someone out there who will collect and cherish the family pieces you part with. That IS a beautiful thing and those bits and bobs can still be considered heirlooms, in a way, even if they are joining a different family. Be brave, sweet heart. xx

  9. UmberDove says

    1. Armwear. In embarrassing quantity, except that I’m never embarrassed.
    2. Vertebrae. Preferable of the sort I’ve found, excavated and cleaned myself.
    3. Rock. Oh lord, the rocks piled up in all corners of this home.


  10. mashed potatoes says

    love your post. nice little voyage.the photos are really lovely!

    my obsessions:
    branches, moss, feathers, nests + ocean things
    little decorative boxes
    hot pink socks
    cobalt glass
    cat whiskers
    just to name a few

    i’d collect chocolate too but i eat it as quickly as possible

  11. I love that even in your living you find time for quiet and taking in your collections. 🙂
    I’ve missed your posting! Also, I love your cairn rings. they are magical!

    I don’t have very many complete collections…but I have more than my share of soft sweaters in grey and black. : /

  12. my name is janet and i collect… everything.
    i don’t really mean to, it’s just that when i really love something it tends to invite lots of friends over.
    this includes, but is in no way limited to: books, art supplies, plants, rocks, photo materials and prints, polish pottery, clothes, shoes, horses, and lime squeezers*.

    * heh heh… just kidding about the lime squeezers. i actually use my fingers. they get a good workout during G & T season!

  13. oh trinkets, keepsakes, and charms of mine! i too have a weakness of such.
    .beach rocks.
    .sea glass.
    .anything frida kahlo.
    .dried flowers found on afternoon walks.
    .vintage mugs.
    so much i found endearing and special…too much so i say. 🙂

    • Your list looks very familiar to me:)

      I wonder if most folks collect the same things…AND…I wonder what makes us take things from the forest floor and the beach sands?

  14. In that first, I want damn near everything in that vintage shop! oh bother…

    collecting wise, hmmmmmmm

    too many old hoodies, vintage photography/photos(boxes upon boxes) flowers/nature pickings somehow collect specifically in my Car! vintage hats. & wood picture frames. those are the big ones 😉

    much love, always!

  15. I’m pretty anti-clutter and anti-stuff, but I do have an affinity for skulls and old weathered bits of bodies returned to the Earth.
    …I can almost hear the “okaaaaaay….”…
    I’m glad that you are viewing the upcoming summer with an easy heart.
    Be well.

    • Oh no.
      Not at all.
      I have a lot of bones and skulls here as well as animal pelts — also, rattlesnake tails from when we lived in Arizona. I think that’s kind of normal. I usually refer to my decorating style as “Trapper Chic.”

  16. Oh I love love love collecting things. I want my space(s) to be filled with the things I’ve seen, dreamed, imagined, coveted, loved. So far my collections include:

    – books, books, books (but my favorite are etiquette books, they’re such a time capsule of the social graces of an era, I never tire of reading them)
    – sea glass, stones, sand, drift wood and other treasures from coasts
    – perfume bottles
    – glass jars, mostly bell jars, but others too
    – antique bottles of all sorts, usually in a lavenderish or cobalt blue hue
    – black and white photos
    – anything old with history, with a story, that strikes my fancy.

    • Etiquette books! How delicious!

      I bet your house is BEAUTIFUL!
      I love it when I go to visit a friend or a stranger and I get lost while looking through their bits and bobs. 🙂

  17. Simone Turner says

    Hi lady plume, I just love your photos in this post, would love to have been with you in this fabulous little shop, did you find anything? I’m just reading thru all the posts, I liked what Mona had to say about collections sticking to her!! So good and true, then I noticed that we all sort of collect the same kind of things, love that… we are all sort of connected in a little way, kindred spirits. As for me, nests are also a favorite of mine, as well as feathers, i do so love collecting seeds of any sort, beads, always beads. hats. old bibles. Elephants. Seashells. Vintage glass jars, oh and vintages bowls! Thank you for asking! Oh Rosaries too!! Hahahaha, sticky!!!

    • Simone!
      I found a few things that day but I didn’t buy anything. I swing by there every week or so though and nearly always find a little bit of treasure. Laura keeps her store pretty fresh.

      I bet this is a beautiful collection.
      Imagine all those beads worn smooth by contrite souls…

  18. I love to hear from you again!

  19. Just wondering here…did you talk to the shop owner about photographing yourself? That must have been a funny conversation!
    I don’t think of myself as a collector, but I do have a nice knickknack collection (I like that word): figurines of animals/people, gnomes, a tiny doll, etc. Also blankets. You can never have too many blankets.

    • I actually didn’t talk to Laura about photographing myself! I just did it! I didn’t want anyone to watch me as I did it — I think the keys to a good self portrait are:
      -to never stop moving when the photo is taking (never pose), keep some small portion of yourself in action so that your body or expression doesn’t look posed
      -to feel as unselfconscious as possible when the shutter snaps (I think this prevents the body from tensing which also freezes it and forces it to pose!)

      I agree! I have a lot of blankets. A massive portion of my blanket collection is made of quilts that my grandmother or mother crafted by hand. Special!

  20. i am definitely a beach detritus collector – mostly shells, but also rocks, glass. i like to collect all sorts of treasures from the out-of-doors, really. scarves. and i like old cameras…okay, any cameras!

  21. I collect quotations. I have some beautiful leather journals, and I write down snippets of prose and poetry that moves my soul. I hoard these nuggets of wisdom and shining inspiration. Often, I dip into my collection of postcards, and further transcribe these gems to be sent to lovelies near and far. This is my most favourite pastime. xo

    • I write down your beautiful words in there too, Miss Plume!

      [not sure why half of my comment became italicized… I wasn’t particularly trying to emphasize the latter half…] 🙂

    • What a wonderful thing to collect!!! So good to hear from you, Corinna! I love it when I get a quote on a postcard from you:)

  22. First collection, as a little girl, model horses. Now, probably pretty mugs. I love stoneware or hand-thrown mugs. I think I probably collect high-thread-count percale sheet sets, too. Coats.

    Inspired to start a collection of handmade enamel spoons [wink].

    You know, the basics.