[copper & enamel:::pink twigs, orange lichen, bitter green pod]

Yes. I put something in them again. But they’ve become something unto themselves at this point and I can’t stop making little specimens to put in wee dishes. And I think that’s ok.



  1. These make me smile uncontrollably! xx

  2. I really like these too. what are you going to do with them?

  3. I really like these. I think a large one on the wall would be striking.
    Good work, lady…of your hands and in your spirit.

  4. Ha! Just posted my comment and noticed you said something similar above.

    • That I did! Great minds think alike! I’d love to make a cluster of them to set on a table top as well but I’d have to live in a less arid area because they’d get annoying to dust all the time… 🙂

      Thank you, B.

  5. just saw this after i commented on the last post…these are just beautiful!

  6. I absolutely love these, particularly the ones that look like they have little twigs in them. Very, very nice.

  7. They remind me of childhood. We used to camp in the backyard during summer. At night, we would pretend the tent was a spaceship that had landed on some other planet. We would go out and collect small twigs, leaves, rocks, and bugs. Pretending to be scientists, we would spread them out on a small table and make up explanations of what they could be and what they were made of.

    • Why didn’t we grow up together!!!??? I did that sort of thing every day when I was wee. I even dissected dead things with my mum’s kitchen knives. I wanted to know what made things work. 🙂 You are wonderful.

  8. Awesomeness.

  9. MEEP!!!

    I havent had internet for a week, I’ve missed so much goodness! XOXO