I Found A Perfect Little Aspen Grove

It is so beautiful here today, it makes my heart ache.  I went up the mountain to Crystal Summit again, I couldn’t resist.  I’ve found a perfect aspen grove there, beside a spring creek.  The grove opens up into a gorgeous, douglas fir rimmed meadow.  The light is simply perfect.  The place is sandwiched between two righteous little mountain slopes and is sheltered, quiet and kind.  I go there and feel so inwardly peaceful.  My hair is tangled by the wind.  I’m kissed pink by the breeze.  Some wild grouse I keep in my heart drums its wings and I get a little loved by the wilderness.  Today I found the prettiest little sprig of silver blue burrs.  I’ve seen them many times before but today they suddenly looked so foreign and exotic to me.  The color of them is so gentle.  I’m going to try to replicate something like them in metal and enamel.

Sometimes I find myself wishing I could bring you with me and show you this place.  The sound of mountain water flowing is the merry chiming of crystal.  Things are turning green.


  1. “I’ve found a perfect aspen grove there, beside a spring creek.”
    The sound of aspen leaves fluttering in the wind is the most soothing music I know. There was an old aspen in the garden of my childhood in eastern Finland and I grew up listening to it. I think I can see your aspen grove, so far away, so familiar. Thank you for sharing this luxury – forest, creek and sky.

  2. It’s easy to be transported by your words, and feel a little quiet.
    Thanks for taking us with you.

  3. Nothing like a hidden grove to visit frequently…I think I know…I love the starry tips of those branches you are holding….and yes, thank YOU for taking us there ! xx

  4. i knew you were an elf: you simply look like one.

  5. What fantastic pictures and lovely words!
    You should write a book.

    PS I love your cowboy boots

  6. sounds like heavenly perfection sister!
    I can almost feel the wind : )

    love and light

  7. I have wanted to see an aspen tree since I was in junior high school and fell in love with John Denver and his music (I’m waaaay down south and we don’t have them here). I have pictures of them – I love the way they look. And now, I want to hear the soothing music of the aspen leaves fluttering in the wind……someday…

  8. Brandi writes my thoughts “It’s easy to be transported by your words.” Sometimes between the photographs, lovely descriptions, and emotion… I feel as though I took a walk beside you. And it’s ever so refreshing. xx

  9. good golly – I want to be walking about in this grove… Love this, immensely!

    much love,

  10. Simone Turner says

    You are just so perfect!!! i love all these pictures, but especially the 1st. one with those turquoise cowgirl boots!! You inspire me to get out into my Rubies! thank you!

  11. it seems that you DID bring us with you, so completely did you share this chapter of your enchanted life!
    it was ever so beautiful here today as well. the ponds were a deep, reflective blue and the snow-capped peaks to the west seemed to have taken two giant steps closer somehow.

  12. i’d love to climb up into the hills with you sometime, but i do feel a bit like i’ve been brought along through your images. love your exploring outfit, by the way, pixie-cowgirl of the wide open spaces.

  13. that’s the prettiest outfit 🙂

  14. Thank you — loving life is so lovely…what rosie cheeks!

  15. What a perfect dose of happiness… I’m smiling right alongside you 🙂

  16. Christine says

    Sigh. I’ve been in in a city far too long. Your lovely words make me ache for a walk in the wilderness. I can almost hear the crunch of boots on the trail.

  17. You DO bring us with you! (thank you)

  18. I see the crisp, golden, crackling air in your photos. I have that air in my memory — we used to live in Missoula, MT, and I recognize that snapping, dry light. It’s so different from where we live now here in Oregon, where everything squishes, everything is soft (’cause it’s covered in moss), and the light is silver. (About 3200 kelvin, I estimate.) Terrarium. I miss that snap, crackle, and pop of Montana and Idaho sometimes. Your photos give it back to me, and make me miss it in a way I really haven’t missed it since. So — thank you for inviting us along. You go to the aspen groves I remember, and warm this place up for me when it’s feeling all too fogged and damp.

  19. I wish I could sit in your aspen grove – it sounds perfect. I’ve been city-bound for so long now, just imagining your grove makes my heart feel lighter.

  20. you’re a cutie out there in your mountain girl get up. 🙂 “…I get a little loved by the wilderness.” love that! we got a random 6″ of snow the other day. only the second snow of the season… and it came out of season t’boot! i was upset at the weather and wishing for spring, but it was beautiful and the kids loved it. accept. accept. wonder.

  21. Thank you all for being so kind.
    I’m always glad to have you with me.

  22. It does feel as though we join you for your jaunts… the way you describe the outdoors is priceless. My senses react to all of your words! Thank you, Plume.