Airstream Update

Well folks, she’s coming right along!

Rob has been working on creating the fifteen piece, compound curve end caps in our Airstream which is, apparently, the hardest and most time consuming job on an Airstream refurb!  It looks gorgeous so far.  What you’re looking at in this photo is the end cap that will be directly above my studio work bench.  Can I get a yee haw?  Once the end caps are finished Rob will bang up the rest of the interior walls and then comes the floor.

Here’s a secret for you, sometimes I’m terrified by the prospect of moving to Winthrop but I have good reasons for my terror.  Let me tell you all about the chaos of today.  We’ll be moving to Winthrop in a little more than a month and this morning, we found out we are no longer renting the acreage we thought we were renting.  Remember?  I talked about it in this post.  Horror of horrors, I let my heart and mind hope brightly with regards to that land and I started making plans because that’s what a gal does when she knows where she’s moving to.  This morning, the owners of the property called, cancelled our rental agreement with us and informed us that they are letting their son live on the property this summer instead, my heart went into quiet hysterics.  Surely, you can understand why.  I couldn’t help but cry.

So much energy has been put into making this move this summer, to have our accommodation plans collapse one month before our move is exasperating.  I can bear it.  But I don’t want to!  Frankly, I think I’m tired of making plans.  I want the plans we have to hold together, stabilize, and then become actualized at the start of May.  I’m tired of all this fussy stewing of ideas and potentials.  I just want to lock the details down, pack up all my stuff, make the move and then settle in and simmer down for an awesome six months in the beautiful Methow Valley.  Fortunately, we’ve got a handful of friends helping us find a new place to live at and I know another opportunity will present itself and everything will be peachy.  But in the meanwhile, I have this anxious little rough stone rolling around in my chest making me feel like everything is tipsy, crackling and wavering like a mirage on an Arizona highway.  It makes me feel a bit untethered, unsettled and unsure.  Sometimes that’s just the way of things though, and heck, at least I have a gorgeous looking end cap nearly finished in one end of the Airstream!  Right?  Of course right.

How about you?  Tell me all about your day or toss a sprig of hope at me from where you sit.  I need to be bolstered.

I hope everything’s coming up tulips where you are, if not, just hang on and I will too.


:::Post Scriptus:::

Here is Alien Tater.  Are you laughing?

I am.


  1. when i was looking for a new home i would begin to inhabit these places in my imagination – i couldn’t help it – my soul would just slip into those landscapes without asking and begin to ‘play house’ there… every time a place would fall through i would grieve a little. i think we are all so deeply imbedded in land, even when we are only going to be in a place for a little while our tender roots ache to know what the soil will smell like, where the water will be found. we can’t help but grow imaginary root hairs in imaginary soil, but sometimes those dreams get pulled up and we are left only with beautiful memories of things that never happened… but how beautiful they are, and no less real than other memories, when you really think about it.

    tulips are coming, but not quite yet, not here at least – but soon, soon, sooner than we ever expect!

  2. First: YEE HAW. Second: that Robert…is there NOTHING he can not do? I am convinced that the two of you are superheros. The Airstream (does he/she have a name??) is FREAKING gorgeous.
    Third: THIS, this what you wrote? What you wrote right here: “But in the meanwhile, I have this anxious little rough stone rolling around in my chest making me feel like everything is tipsy, crackling and wavering like a mirage on an Arizona highway. It makes me feel a bit untethered, unsettled and unsure.”
    You have managed to perfectly articulate how I feel but have been unable to for the past five years: bad marriage, worse divorce, poverty, broken spirit…etc, etc. This has been another bad bad week and reading about your Winthrop troubles (temporary to be sure!!) reminded me that I am not alone in my struggles. And for ALL that, I thank you.

    Fourth: Have you ever just googled “The Noisy Plume” and looked at all the images of your work?? There are a ton of smiling ladies wearing your beautiful creations…it was a real good time this afternoon. Go take a peek.

  3. It will be even better than you hoped. I promise. Your spirit will make it so!

    And I concur: WHAT a man.

  4. Aw, Jillian. Some disappointments just ache, don’t they. I can only trust right along with you that something lovely will open up for you. I have my fingers crossed.

    (I must have missed your last post about the acreage, but just now saw one comment you made about doing a haka and it reminded me of this:
    If you haven’t seen it already, I hope it brought a little smile.)


  5. We spent summers in a trailer like that…one that my Dad built fashioned after the Airstream. Ours was painted white with two red stripes. You can imagine the embarrassment of two teenagers (my older brother and sister) as it/we traveled down the highway. I was five and loved the stripes and the excitement of it all. From Indiana to Colorado…California, Arizona, Minnesota to Michigan and all points in between. I’d do it again in a heart beat. Sounds like you may get the chance. Rest assured you’ll find a place even more wondrous than the one you were denied – replete with trout stream, cottonwoods galore, a pink clapboard house and lots of room for the chickies to roam. I just feel it in my bones.

  6. I’m sorry to hear that the rental plans fell through! Take a deep breath and just do the next thing in front of you to do. Sometimes it helps to look at your future as if you are squinting through a straw. Little “straw peeks” keep you from getting overwhelmed. I’ve been having to do that a lot lately.
    It will be well. You are in good Hands. 🙂

  7. 1. YEEHAW for robert and the airstream.

    2. my heart sunk in sympathy with your sinking heart: the property fell through.
    when this happens: we must hold true to the fact that the perfect plan is being lay’d out for us. we just don’t know it yet. a good work is still being planned for you.

    3. major SNOWMELT today. i walked around the property thinking: i cannot believe winter is over. i love it so much. you know i do.

    4. an ALIEN lives in your house. be afraid. be very afraid.


  8. DAMNIT. I was really looking forward to that place, too. Oh honey, that sucks.

    I recently said to my sister about something, “Well, I’m pretty good at not getting my hopes up.” And she said, “You’re the best I’ve ever seen.”

    That made me laugh and made me sad at the same time.

    I like what Erin says: “Just do the next thing in front of you to do.” Stack up the tasks like blocks. Something will get built, no matter what. Something will come. Even if you have to sleep on the side of the road, you’ll be together. And that’s big. The biggest. xoxo

  9. that’s right – you keep hangin’ on and i’ll do my best to too. i would hate to have things up in the air like that – thankfully i’ve just got other life things wavering on the brink! but seriously, you are such a positive light and i know you guys will get it sorted soon enough and be ready for your wonderful washington summer. hmmm, can i stop in if i make my annual trip down to george this september? ;p

  10. HA. I snorted loud enough to scare my roomie when I saw that puppy pic!!

  11. it seems to me that you have the most amazing and supportive group of followers here.
    that must make you awfully happy.
    rightly so.

  12. my boys and I are totally laughing!!!
    soooo good
    Jillain, I know you already know this, but my heart wants so much to encourage you
    this experience has come your way to stretch you, move you, shake rattle and roll you : )
    it is all good
    I can feel that anxious little stone in your chest…I suggest you pass it lol
    or better yet transform it
    bloom it into a beautiful flower….a new life
    can you feel the excitement?
    can you feel the adventure?
    I know you can : )
    all will be well sister
    I can feel it

    ps the air stream is looking amazing!!!!

    back to laughing at alien tator lol
    love and light

  13. Here’s some reading material with some super long links, lol.

    Both Mars and Mercury are retrograde right now, which means things get put on hold, have to be redone, etc. It’s actually good for exposing things that aren’t the best for us, even though that can be pretty discouraging. The good part, though, is that Mercury starts moving forward again (from our point of view) on April 4th, and Mars does the same on April 13th. It has been like walking through molasses over here :-), but tolerable (it definitely has helped to know why things are so wonky!). My son had a job coming to fruition after many months of waiting, only to find out that it wasn’t the opportunity that it seemed to be. Better that way, but it was a real pull-the-rug-out experience for him. He is now concentrating more on music, and quite possibly that was just what was needed for him. Hang in there, it’s getting better! By the time you are ready to move, life will be moving along smoothly again (fingers crossed). I know I’m looking forward to life moving ahead again!

  14. lame! i remember your description of the place from the previous post. well, all i can say is that i’m hoping something more wonderful will turn up… with an apple tree and a blackberry bramble to pick from. that’s my wish for you.

  15. That picture of Tater is AWESOME.

  16. anne bryce says

    Here’s a song for you. Rebecca Feguson, “Nothing’s real but love.”

  17. Ack, Jillian. I’m sorry about the property, I know you were looking forward to it.

    The day dawned clear and crisp this morning, and I’ve been graced by the sight of a few shooting stars these past couple of days. I shall make a wish on one and send it lovingly your way.
    You are stronger than you know. Be well, friend.

  18. I’m sure you will be able to find something else to live in. I have a few pictures of Methow Valley for anyone who hasn’t been there:

    It really is one of the most gorgeous places I’ve ever been. We were there in July 2010 and wildflowers were abundant.

  19. Simone Turner says

    Oh Lady plume I am truly sorry this has happened! Things do happen for a reason though! And ya know when I’m in the middle of it all and someone says that to me, I’m like “SHUT UP!” But as it goes along and I look back it truly is the way! So don’t fret, and did you look at those pictures Susan S. sent??? Wow!!! But you probably already know this, I didn’t and that place looks
    A- Mazing!

    And thank you for the picture of the Air stream, i was wondering! It looks so cool! So exciting!

    And that picture of Tater!!! OMG!! Makes my day! I look at it often! Thank you! Give him a great big kiss for me! Please! And I give you a great big hug as well, everything is going to be okay. Love. S.

  20. ha, yes, what a fabulous photo!
    my mind wants to say that it wasn’t meant to be, that everything will work out, that all thins happen for a reason. my heart knows it never feels that simple.
    but it will be okay.

  21. I’m not always that great for a bolster, but I do have to say that I feel your disappointment and fear keenly. That photo is RIDICULOUS. Love you so, blondie.

  22. Oh, I am so sorry your plans fell through!
    I hope something just as lovely comes your way again.
    I am excited for you though! That you get to spend the summer with your man.

  23. Boo. I’m sorry about the bad news, Jillian. As others have said, something else will come along~ I’m so glad you and Rob will be together during the fire season, it was always so difficult to read your words when Rob went off for his job. I’m wishing for a great outcome for you and your summer move!

  24. We’re moving in about a month. To a nice old farmhouse on some land by a big lake. We’re over the moon. And just about 8 weeks ago we were under contract to buy a nice old farmhouse on some land with a pond, which fell through in a grubby and unfair way.

    But this house is much better. And it’s the first place we saw after the previous heartache. I think we found it because we were putting it out there that we needed a spot like it for our very own.

    I think you will find that spot too ~ I think it’ll fall into your lap when you least expect it, and it’ll make you very very happy. The waiting is hard. The uncertainty sucks. The stress is like a delicate stinging jellyfish playing the heartstrings. But the heart continues to hope, and in my experience the cosmos responds to that. Soon you’ll be making sweeping plans for the place you guys will find. The tide is turning! I can’t wait to hear what treasure of a place you find to unfold into.

  25. Oh, so sorry to hear this news! By now everyone has said everything most eloquently…but what I keep thinking is: You’ve got the airstream and you’re making it into a beautiful base you can park in all manner of places. It’ll find its niche…or niches!

  26. I’m so sorry, I’m sure something will be found and who knows it could be better! That just happened to us, we made an offer on a house and it did t work out. BUT!! We found an even more awesome old little house that is so cute it hurts. With apple trees and old grape vines!!! It worked out best in the end and I hope the same for you.

  27. I hope you regain your courage and something good comes with finding a new place. Better even! Your story reminds me when my love and I were first married. He asked me to take a ride with him to a place 4 hours from our home to go for a flying job interview. I said ok but it was on a whim and he didn’t really want the job. Well 5 hours later, my whole world fell apart. We were moving get this in 3 days. Out in the middle of nowhere to rattlesnake country! Talk about panic. I felt the exact same way you described. But it turned out ok. I became stronger and more open to adventure. Hope everything works out for you. Chin up, curl up with a puppy! It will be alright.

  28. I was away and still am, at least mentally…I saw the open space of your AirStream and felt great. Few lines down I saw that the son was taking over your property for those months…I am truly sorry…and yet I feel that if something that wonderful slipped by it was meant to be for something more wonderful…what you and I can imagine as wonderful goes only so far and then there is the more wonderful waiting to be born and become visible…do you believe in this? I have to believe in it, almost on a daily basis. Tater dog is hilarious…I sent you some hugs…were i there with you I would surely say let’s go for a walk and then coffee and then some window shopping..perhaps a scone would have to find its way in there…xxx

  29. Hey everyone!
    Thank you so much for your encouragement on the topic of our temporarily failed housing plans in Winthrop for the summer. Man oh boy oh howdy, was I ever bummed. But so many other details are working out beautifully and even if I have to live in a tent, down by the river, I’m still moving to Winthrop this summer and as excited as heck about it. I’m not afraid.

    Your bolstering fortified my spirit.
    Thank you for your kindnesses, encouragement and tender loving.

  30. oh jillian,

    I’m so sorry to hear the house is keeping that “gem” in the family…share the wealth, eh!!?? something perfect will come, quick. you two are too good not to find it! 🙂

    on the airstream front – HELL YEAH! Flying colors! I’m insanely envious of it’s pending studio venture, that hitch, and that talented husband of yours – a kudos to Roberts fine skills.


  31. Love the work! We restore airstreams and other trailers professionally, and can’t wait to see the finished project. It’s amazing to see how many people have jumped onto the retro trailer craze. We hope to get many of our before, during, and after projects online very soon! Keep it up, and we’ll be watching to see what it looks like.

  32. Oh Jillian I glad that you are still going to move this summer. When I read your blog last summer I could see how much you miss your hubby.

    I LOVE your puppy photo. It made me laugh in my heart and was a wonderful gift on my birthday 3/28, the day you posted it. Thank you.

    Then I saw that PetCo was having a photo contest. It will begin on April 9th. I think you should submit this photo and win. You could because it is just a precious photo. I am pasting the info for you. This contest is also to help animal shelters too. Win Win.
    The website says: “Show us how happy your pet is to be part of your family”.
    I think that Tater is very very happy!!!
    From the PetCo website:
    Start getting your photos ready! The 2012 Petco Foundation Photo Contest will begin on April 9, 2012. It will have some fun new ways to raise money for your local shelters as well!

    Good Luck, Carol