Dear Meadowlarks,

I must call you that.  There is no sweeter song.  No brighter bird.  No greater reason for running the mountain in spring than the meadowlarks.  They are such a grand company of chanteusical wingedness.  This week is nearly past and so many wonderful things have been happening to us, I could blather on for hours about all the wonders of this world and of friends, hamburgers for dinner and ice cold pickles but I’ll try to keep this short.  Officially, I’m beginning to pack for Winthrop.  I’m purchasing the smaller tools I’ll need in my compressed studio space this summer, deciding which of my tea cup collection will come with me and of course, which shoes I’ll need most of all (blerg)!  Packing is such a terrible thing.  I try to find a way to view it as a cup-half-full activity but it’s as annoying as heck and I know when we get to Winthrop, I’ll remember a thousand things I need that I failed to pack.  Oh well.  We’re one month(ish) away from the move and I’m making spools of lists, checking them all twice and what is forgotten will be lived without I suppose!  I’m all tangled up in the month of May before April is through but I’ve never been one to mind a snaggle here or there.  Dropped stitches let the light shine through.

By the way, Talulah, our Volkswagen bus, is up for sale.  I know!  Breaks your heart, doesn’t it?  We’ve decided, since we’ll be away the entire summer and I won’t be here to travel around in her and take her camping that it’s probably best to send her off to someone who will.  It’s a tragedy.  But I remind myself that I have an Airstream now and all is silvermerry.

Is anyone else suffering with springtime allergies?  I’ve been down and out, sneezing my wee snout right off my darling face for a few days now.  It’s dreadful.  Robert has me taking all kinds of medications and I feel my brain is full of fuzz most of the while — like a bear cub crawled in there, rolled into a little ball and is talking in his sleep.  It’s making work quite difficult.  Everything is coming out achoo when I’m not busy clawing at my eyes.  Just lovely.

Lastly, you are so nice.



  1. aww, poor you with the allergies. i know i’ll be joining you in all that itchy eyed, sneezy nonsense in about a month or so. ugh. hope it leaves you soon and you are clear-headed for your move.

  2. Oh allergies are terrible. I didn’t have them until a couple of years ago. I miss those days. I hope packing goes better

  3. Simone Turner says

    Okay! First of all… Chanteusical Wingedness??? There is a name for a band or something in there?!?!!! And I so agree, no sweeter song than this cutest little bird! A note on packing! UGH! “Dropped stitches let the light shine through!!!” To quote your fabulouisness! Ack! Talulah! Love her! Love her color! She will be missed! But… on too act II! Lastly, allergies……. “like a bear cub crawled in there, rolled into a little ball and is talking in his sleep!” Yeah, thats pretty much it! Lady Plume, you are amazing and I love you so……. Good luck!

  4. the best thing that happened to me when packing up a mini studio was the improvisation that happened when i realized i didn’t have what i needed or was used to having. i created very different pieces in that time and i liked how it changed my work.

    and allergies have been top notched for me this year. easily four weeks ahead of time as well. really not fun and i switched to Allegra on a recommendation and it’s actually been better the past four days, i don’t feel as tired or cloudy as I was last week. not being full of snot, eyes not hurting and able to focus means a lot to me. for all the beauty that is spring i have a love hate for it…

  5. wishing you a silvermerry little summer
    tinkering over turquoise floors!!

  6. What a task, to pack for such an adventure…Leave no favorite shoe behind! Im sure you must be busting at the seams with anticipation and excitement about your summer relocation adventure…Is someone staying at the Gables to take care of the chikens and the house, or are all manner of beasts joining in for the summer fun? Whatever the case may be, I can’t wait to see Winthrop through your lens… I have spent many a lovely weekend there, sniffing that amazing air!

  7. Ew, allergies, they’re the worst. I’ve been sneezin’ and weezin’ my whole life. An odd kind of music to accompany every long-awaited spring. And that fuzziness of the mind 🙁
    Over here in Hamlet’s country, we are renovating our old storage room, so packing – storing – tossing fill our days.
    Missus Plume, thou art not alone – stay strong!

  8. i feel the impending move.

  9. This is all so very exciting! I can’t remember the last time I had an honest-to-goodness adventure, so I think I will be living vicariously through you. 🙂 (Oh and we’re dealing with the stinky allergies, too. Blach.)

  10. Oh do I feel your labor of love in packing! May you have the space to bring all you need, to remember all you want, and even a few things that you didn’t realize you brought!

  11. Can I recommend something that might sound odd but works splendidly? Rhino Horn!

    I got mine last Fall when I was sick with flu and it was just fantastic. Now I have used it every morning and firmly believe that it will help me when the Spring here in Finland gets further and those allergies really kick in. Worth a try!

  12. Oh, Talulah. I love her so.

    Packing is a dreadful drag. But. This summer is going to be a grand adventure for you two birds, and completely worth all this nest weaving and leaving. Chin up, you sneezy buttercup.

  13. At least you’ll have the most important thing – your man! We are also moving, so I’m right there with you on the excited/overwhelmed swing. We’re doing the empty nesters’ downsizing thing. Less gardening but more time (and more $) to travel, camp, etc! I would love Talulah for my own. There’s just no time to come up & get her. *sigh*

  14. I am ok with you rushing through May before April is over…I will be done with my class mid June and nothing I like more than rushing through May to be! I will share with you this- while I was away for a week at this workshop I realized that I needed not much at all…I think once you get to your winthrop destination you will realize the same. Talulah really looked good on you or next to you or … achoo achhoo…I suffer allergies too and I recommend that you psyche yourself and convince your body that you don’t have allergies…what helped me a bit was starting to eat raw honey, some pollen, blue cheese with realy pencillum cultures…and cover your nose! Wishing you a sanctified Good Friday dear J! xx

  15. I remember clearly when I had to let go of my Westy…a dark day indeed
    my little guy and I slept in him the night before he was taken…
    so many good memories, I could have lived in him…not so much for the hubby : )
    the guy who ended up buying him lives just a few blocks away from us
    I sometimes drive by to say hi

    happy easter weekend Jillian

    love and light

  16. sorry about the allergies! try some local bee pollen…you can just take a few grains a day and slowly work your way up. the stuff is amazing!

  17. “dropped stitches let the light shine through”…..if that isn’t a poem all unto itself, I don’t know what is!….le sigh!….such a wordsmithette you are…

    rhino horn=neti pot in the US….a great idea…helps me too!

  18. “like a bear cub crawled in there, rolled into a little ball and is talking in his sleep.” 😀 lololololol!! Ode to whiskey 😛

  19. Jillian, Love you! Seriously, what are the details on Talulah? I might be interested. 🙂

  20. Oh, how I wish I could buy your van!!!