New Postcard Packs

There’s a new postcard pack in the Etsy shop featuring images I took while on a cattle drive here in Idaho, last autumn.  I think they’re wonderful photos that manage to really capture the spirit of the day, but also the spirit of the interior West and the people who keep small ranching communities humming and thrumming.  I doubled up with a friend on a horse for a few hours to get these shots — she steered us straight and true as my camera whirred away.  These are my favorite shots from the day, not just because of their content, but also because of the way the dust kicked up by one thousand head of cattle managed to turn the world to shades of blue, gray and gold — just gorgeous.  It was awesome to watch the cattle dogs do their business, the cowboys and cowgirls push stray dogies out of sagebrush and back onto the road and heck, it was a good day to be riding a horse on American soil.

I hope you are transported by these images the same way I am whether you use them as actual postcards or tack them to your inspiration boards around your home!


  1. dreamy. might need to pick up a pack for my western-dreaming mother.

  2. oh how i love that green pen. and everything else about you that i have seen and have yet to see. i miss that wooden surface immensely. i plan to lean on it at least seven hundred more times in my life. just so you know.

  3. love the photos.
    especially the horse sporting hearts….