Forever a good Sunday, this one.


  1. sweetness: purely.

  2. Just came to stop by this quiet Monday morning while waiting my little coffee-pot make a noise to tell me the coffee is ready to be poured… Haven’t had a chance to visit in a while so it was fun to catch up with your preparations, airstream and everything…
    Lovely to read that you had a beautiful Sunday!

    Blessings to your next week,

    • Oh, lovely lady. Thanks for being here this morning! I already know I’m going to have a wonderful week. I’m just wrapping up work before I leave on a solo camping trip for a few days. You have a bright and beautiful week too.

  3. That’s exactly the spot our kitties like to perch on…and, going back a post or two I just noticed how huge the interior of your airstream is …very nice…and WOW to RW! 🙂

  4. just as Mona said…soooo MY style too, i always,ALWAYS, had scratch marks on my shoulders from Sweet Boy’s sweet caresses while atop my roost…i think it’s time you lend me your Rhuby or your Pinky!!! XO

    • They love to have a high perch to rule from, don’t they? 🙂 And oh, I wish I could lend you Pinky, we lost him a few months ago, quite suddenly. I’ll send you a pinch of his spirit. xx

  5. What a sweet picture! I miss the precence of animals.

  6. you are a big mother to all your “kiddos”