Two Winks From Tot

Not much has changed about Honky Tonk Tater Tot, except he’s a bodacious blond now.  Sigh…..teenagers.  I hope this long hair is just a stage.  He told me the female Irish setter down the street really digs it.  He just asked if we can go out and get him some pairs of cowboy boots, oh, and he wants to learn guitar.  It could be a long summer.


  1. BAHAHA!

    Oh. Blondes really do have all the fun.

    Happy weekend, sexy babes!


  2. I want to squeeze that snout!

  3. Thanks for the *smile*!

    enjoy your weekend!


  4. Oh are so adorable.


    Sending lots of love.



  5. he’ll have her smitten with him and then take off for the summer. nothing like having a little setter calling your cell phone every day. sheesh. he certainly does have the wink down, though. good luck!

  6. Oh, baby! I’ve got a white apricot-spotted girleen who would love to share a bully stick with Tot. Actually, Daph is pretty protective of her sticks. Maybe a sausage treat or two over candlelight.


    • Or spaghetti and meatballs…just like Lady and the Tramp. 🙂 I thought of you so much last week! I’m still trying to find a moment to write, it’s been so darn busy here. xx

  7. oh I feel your pain sister
    have one of those wild teenagers myself
    he just wants to party all the time!

    love and light

  8. such a flirt.

  9. mashed potatoes says

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a beautiful poochie.