Reggae & Ray-Bans

Life is feeling like reggae and Ray-Bans here.  It’s all sunshine and groove.  It’s so strange, people keep asking me if I’m stressed out about the impending summer relocation and my honest answer is, “Nope!”  I’m just so darn excited, I can barely keep my socks on, which is actually fine because it’s barefoot weather here and I’m wandering around like a summer child already and loving the cool of the shade under the big blue spruce.  This morning, I took a little quiet time to sit down and write a handful of letters to friends, near and far.  Then a pal stopped in for coffee on the front porch and we had a dandy old time talking about the dark of winter, life lessons and naturally, our summer plans.  It was delightful.  All the fruit trees in the yard are blooming right now and it’s easy to waste an hour meandering through the grass, watching the progress of the poppy patch and wondering which plum tree will produce the most fruit this year.  Springtime exists because of the natural cycle of our planet, axis tilts, proximity to the sun and all that technical, scientific mumbo jumbo jazz.  Did you ever think, more importantly, it exists just to crack our hearts open like the knobby little oysters they are, once a year, every year — so that we can find ourselves stumbling around, punch drunk in love with nature and each other, all over again.  It’s such a romantic time of year.

I’m wearing all my favorite lipsticks in not-so-gentle colors to celebrate.  I’m like radical confetti descending on the shoulders of our friends.  I’m like a lightning bolt of love adding bubbles to your champagne.  Come over!  I WANT TO HUG YOU!  I’m an adoring spazz.

Robert and I, when we aren’t exhausted, have been watching the first season of Pushing Daisies which has us utterly enchanted and much to Rob’s chagrin, it has me wanting a lot of new dresses.  Have you seen this series?  But my gosh, it’s hilarious and darling.  We’ve been working quadruple overtime here but every now and again, in the evening, we watch one episode of this show and it makes me laugh so hard and I say, “cute” a lot, when referencing it.  At night, we flop into bed like little opossums, so exhausted, and mutter reminders to each other before we drift off to sleep.

What’s going on in your neck of the woods?


  1. What a cute post, you knobby little oyster.

    P.S. I knew you’d love it! xoxo

  2. I LOVE Pushing Daisies!!!! It was one of my favorite shows and you’re right about those dresses!
    Love spring too. And your lipstick 🙂

  3. This post makes me happy! I’m so glad spring is coming in halting steps over here in the east. I’m also on a hunt for a new happy lip color. Here’s to barefoot days! <3

  4. I feel EXACTLY that way about spring! And yesterday I bought the brightest pink lipstick – I put it on outside the store without a mirror and came back from my bike ride with the most surprisingly bright mouth. It made me very happy indeed. Funny how that happens to us all this time of year.

    Those deer rings were fabulous, so … dear.


  5. you’re awesome!!!

    keep smilen sista
    love that lipstick!!!!

    love and light

  6., I said it too! Peculiar that i have been craving lipstick too so much so that I am planning to go to a store this weekend just for that purpose. I HAVE BEEN BUSY…there is stuff going on outside but indoors time is running like a pack of wild horses…I just finished a presentation and stopped by to visit…whew! xx

  7. Adorable is the first word that comes to mind. Your springtime glee is contagious!

  8. Lee Pace, Sunshine, Lipstick and Sassy Sunglasses <3

  9. you know me: driven. serious.
    so: i’m working hard at making myself just walk around the yard and relax. look for budding trees, flitting birds, fireweed breaking ground. i find i’m enjoying it. so i’m going to keep on doing it.

    you are just too cute. very much so.

  10. Good to see that cute little grin!
    Here it is sunshine, flowers and a careful awakening of self…with the most powerful sense of support I have ever known. Be well, friend. Hugs to you as well.

  11. : )

    going to check out that serie!


  12. I loved Pushing Daisies! I was so sad when it was canceled.

  13. ZOMG!!! I LOVE pushing daisies!! Wish there were more seasons of it! If my allergies weren’t so bad this year I’d be spending ever second I can outside, however asthma knocked me hard on my butt! I’m in a foggy drug induced state with weepy eyes and not able to run up a flight of stairs without wheezing. Oak trees need to hurry up and finish reproducing already!

  14. You are a true summer on this picture 🙂

  15. I love Pushing Daisies, it is extraordinarily CUTE! That show is the main reason I wanted to have pies at our wedding instead of cake!! :)By the way, your lips are dazzling! lots of hugs!

  16. mashed potatoes says

    I’m smiling. Such a great photo. Finally finished ” LOST” !!!!
    You’re right about Sawyer!!!! Wondering what series to watch next…
    Your mention of a new series is splendid timing! Watched ” Out of Africa” last night. Gorgeous film.
    Thanks for the hug. Hugging you back Ray-Ban Girl!

  17. Oh my goodness. I’m now (happily) addicted to Pushing Daises. You are so right, flipping cute!

    …(and that Lee Pace/Ned fella is in a movie I saw recently and LOVED – The Fall – It’s from a few years ago now, but it is truly brilliant and I have a feeling it’s right up your alley/mountain path. I think you will find the little girl in the film to be one of the most adorable creatures ever.)

    xox bel.