[Psalm 42 Necklace ::: Sterling Silver]

It’s such a gorgeous and stormy evening here.  There’s a handful of firefighters in the kitchen making pizzas for dinner, the dogs are laying in the floor snapping up the bits of green pepper, mushroom and cheese that fall off the cutting board.  Outside, the mountains are cloaked in thunderclouds and this little farmhouse is being gloriously buffeted by blustery wind.  I hope the birds have found safe spaces to wait out the storm.
Tomorrow, I should have an Airstream update for you!  I can’t wait for you to see the progress RW has made!
:::Post Scriptus:::
Just two things:
1.  I wish I could make jewelry out of water.  It’s just so perfect.
2.  I feel like my heart is full of penguins and they’re all lined up beside a swimming pool, patiently waiting to use a diving board.