Bee Locket

[sterling, copper, enamel, graphite & coral]
A little locket
made to hold
something hardworking and sweet.

Lately, while up the mountains running with the dogs, I continually bump into fat little bees questing for the sweetest flowers. I often stop, sit down in the wildflower patches and watch them as they fill their leg baskets with pollens. I get up close enough that we bump noses. Sometimes I talk to them as they work and tell them where I saw nice patches of balsam root. It might seem like a simple critter to watch but a lot can be learned from a little bee.

I love this piece and that little blue bumbler is more delicate than you could ever imagine.  Sublime.  Available over in the shop where there is also a bit of a moving sale going on.


  1. Your bee piece is magnificent! I love its uniqueness! If you want to learn more about the awesomeness of bees, check out Margaret Fienberg’s book “Scouting The Divine” there’s a whole chapter dedicated to the significance of bees – it is awesome!

    Keep up the great work and have a great day!

  2. i am smitten by this piece! bees are so amazing and important…
    there was an amazing veterinarian herbalist named juliet de baracli levy who used to talk about how bees liked to listen to stories, so she would sit and chat with them, telling them all the gossip.
    such blessed creatures.

  3. Jillian darling,
    To are just o gash darn cute!!!
    I saw a big bumbler today as I took a studio break and chatted with a friend outside.
    I love that they just work away at their purpose…. Not thinking, questioning, what should be done, just doing what they are here to do.
    I admire you, our little bee friends.

  4. Oh my word! This piece is just so stunning, the colors so scrumptious. I just love it so very much. Bees make the world go round and what a lovely way to honor them.

  5. BEE utiful locket. Again! You are the bee whisperer. Please keep talking to the bees. I know they will listen to you, Plume! I cant drink coffee without it. Thank you.

  6. Simone Turner says

    Oh Lady Plume you are just the bestest!! I love this piece, and it’s just cool I have just ordered the Bee keepers bible! I really, really wanna start keeping Bee’s….Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

  7. Just amazing!! 🙂

  8. I love it when you enamel.

  9. Totally gorgeous

  10. Bee=zus Jillian! You’re freaking killing me with these adorable lockets of yours. I don’t even LIKE bees (blame it on a poor bee experience as a child involving a bee caught between my eye and my eyeglasses and being strung) and I want one of these! Well done lady!

    I haven’t been here for a few days…look what I have been missing
    you are awesome girl!
    these lockets are the sweetest things
    and love the seafoam floor btw
    I think I may have to visit you this summer in Winthrop to get a closer view : )
    with al that talent…you MUST be Canadian ; )
    (no offense to our talented american friend of course)
    happy Sunday to you Sweet Jillian

    love and light

  12. Man, oh man. Sososo cool.

  13. LOVE this concept! I went nutty over the pinecone and squirrel.

  14. Thank you all so much for the Bee Locket love! I can’t wait to carry on with this little series when we have landed in Winthrop and the studio is up and running again!!!


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