Hoity toity portraiture. Β It’s always good to see the beauty of common things.


  1. what gorgeous feathery beings.

  2. that is so true.
    although these look uncommonly beautiful.
    I love their iridescent feathers.

  3. hoity toity indeed – especially in the centre portrait!
    It made me smile this morning.
    Thank you!

  4. Loving the iridescence amongst the soft grey. So very pretty! πŸ™‚

  5. …and that is one reason why I love reading your blog. It reminds me to look for the beauty in common things.

  6. Try playing Tejano music to them…one of my friends has a pair of pigeons as pets and when she turns on the Tejano they begin bobbing back and forth and the female jumps on her swing and swings back and forth while bobbing her head up and down. Birds love music. And the pidgies are smart.

  7. Feeling some dove love on this end.

  8. I love how the gal at the top looks so prim and slightly smiling. She has a secret.

  9. so elegant and colourful.
    so beautiful.

  10. Thank you for saying that because I see a lot of common things. xx

  11. mashed potatoes says

    Fabulous pigeons and photos.
    My childhood friend had gazillions of them. Fond memories- as weird as that sounds.

  12. “Earth’s crammed with heaven, And every common bush afire with God: But only he who sees takes off his shoes.”
    Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    Way to see the glow in the ‘common’. Makes life wonder-full doesn’t it?
    needle and nest

  13. That first pigeon seems to have very feminine eyes. Or bedroom eyes perhaps.

  14. I just love the second one!!