Brave Breastplate & The Others

I wanted to post a few images of some of the enamel work I’ve done in the past few weeks.  Back in Idaho, there was a bit of a debate as to whether or not my kiln was coming with me to Washington this summer.  I didn’t know if I wanted to travel with it or if I’d even have a place to plug it in — I didn’t want to use it in the Airstream Studio, it would make my work space terribly hot.  But I knew I’d want to explore with enamel over the summer months so my kiln came with me.  It was a good decision!  As it stands, I’m enameling in the garage here which keeps the Airstream temperature tolerable and keeps me digging deep into color and form!  Here are some of the bits and pieces I’ve been turning out:

Trade Bead Necklace: Land of Ice and Snow [copper, enamel, graphite & deerskin]

Lichen Ring [sterling, copper, enamel, 23 karat gold]

Lichen Necklace [sterling, copper, enamel, graphite]

Brave Breastplate [sterling, 23 karat gold, copper, enamel, graphite, drift wood, hand dyed/naturally dyed silk, deerskin]

Brave:  Ready to face and endure danger or pain; showing courage. 

I haven’t talked much about the Brave Breastplate yet, so here’s a bit about where it came from.  I wanted to make a big, monumental piece of jewelry, inspired mostly by Native American jewelry but not Southwest Indian jewelry — the kind of jewelry the Cree, Chipewyan or Metis used to wear back in the day when folks were trading beads, and wearing bones, wood, animal hide and porcupine quills.  Something bold and delicate, natural and textural, strung together with deer hide.  My Brave Breastplate brings a bit of funk and a bit of the natural, all at once.  Did I have to go this big?  This whimsical?  No.  Not really.  But when I sat down and looked at all the enameled components I had prepared I put things together until they felt right.  Big, bold and beautiful is what felt right.  To be honest, it takes a little courage to make something this wild and free. I pushed this piece beyond itself in order to symbolically (and literally) show no mercy to my fear.

There you have it.  The Brave Breastplate:  Show no mercy to your fear.


  1. Beautiful. All of it. (The ring made my fingers tingle…and cross themselves!)

    The Brave Breastplate. She is Brave and Beautiful. And with flowers in her hair!

    LOVE! xxx

    • And narwhals! You mean to tell me they’re actually real?? (They do look as if they only exist in fairytales, don’t they.)

  2. Catherine Chandler says

    Breathtaking and beautiful. You are a constant inspiration!

  3. Simone Turner says

    Wow! Girl! I really like it all, but especially the breastplate! Big-Bold-Brave! Love!
    Keep up the good work!

  4. Simply stunning ring and necklaces — everything you make is inspiring and beautiful as nature!

  5. “show no mercy to your fear.”
    that’s exactly what i needed to “hear” today….

    your life has taken a completely new direction this summer: your creativity has spiral’d off as well.
    i love the boldness of the colour’d enamel, the monumentalness of the styles.

    we’re ever-changing, eh?
    i’m so glad you are one who inspires me….

  6. love the fearlessness- it is very inspiring! It is lovely to watch how your pieces are influenced by your environment- it’s a tangible reminder and record of how we all grow, shift, and change as time marches on.

  7. that breast plate is absolutely mesmerizing
    I feel the Native American influence with your own interpretation mixed in
    it is indeed a very powerful piece…brave indeed
    a true collectors item

    love and light

  8. I love the courage seeping from this piece…from you for creating it, for who’s ever neck it shall grace and sing loudly of their brave soul. Courage is a theme I’m moved by so often and powerfully these days. I’m called back, again and again to create with courage, and create pieces that speak of that force.
    I love your words on this.. i love that we can all ponder the same idea and add our unique experiences into the communal soup… all to be nourished by it.
    I also love the the lichen necklace. I wish there was a way i could be alert at your etsy page the moment it will arrive, but I trust that it will be going to the gal who needs it’s spirit most. How grand!
    Thanks sister. xo

    • …I sometimes wonder if creating courageously…well, I don’t know how to explain what I’m imagining in my mind right now. But it involves space.

      Love to you. xx

  9. ps – what the heck exercising are you doing? Your arms look amazing 😉

  10. may i just tell you how happy i am that you decided to take the kiln west?
    good choice!

  11. I’m admiring all of this, right down to the drift wood and deerskin. And…what jessie said.

  12. Christine says

    Could I love the lichen necklace more? The colors are amazing.

  13. The colors are just lovely. Wonderful jewelry!

  14. unbelievably gorgeous and inspiring! Your work is both earthy and ethereal – <3

  15. as always, i am blown away with your new work. so inspired and inspiring!!!
    i hope you are settling in to your new home and enjoying the beauty that surounds you.
    i can’t wait to see and hear more about the birth of new creations to come…

  16. I love everything you do! You are such an inspiration!

  17. Quelle beauté!! You and your breathtaking creations!

  18. YES, you’re flying! Love.

    I’m so very drawn to the breastplate, an area where I need strengthening.
    “Show no mercy to your Fear” is my new Mantra…I need this one more than ever! thank you, dearest!

    Keep pouring it out…

  19. I love these big beautiful pieces you’ve been making. And the colors! Bold is good. I need a little bold in my life. Don’t we all? The best things happen when we just let loose!

  20. Oh I just adore what you’ve been doing with the enamel, you are such an inspiration to a budding jeweller like my self, and I LOVE the Brave Breastplate, totally awesome!! xx

  21. are you freaking kidding me? playing catch up here on blogs & such as i’ve been gallivanting around the country in a green vw thing roadrippin’ —- these pieces are beyond the beyond dear woman. holy sighs & beautifulness. wanty wanty in such a good way!

  22. Oh your enamel work has inspired me to get going and try something new!! I have been learning the art of creating silver jewellery using different mediums and areas of inspiration and in this last year my work has been constantly changing and after four years I am finally finding where my work lies. However after seeing your beautiful enamel work I’m thinking this would work so well with my style of jewellery. How do you get started?!?! Are you self taught? It looks so amazing, I just want to touch the pieces and smooth them!!! Must learn this technique! By the way your photos are amazing, just seeing how big the world is from my small kitchen in England is inspirational to say the least!!