Growing Younger

We went to Hannah’s for dinner last night.  Before we sat down and feasted like a king and queen with all the other kings and queens who were in attendance, we went ambling in the gardens where the world was so brightly leaping and green.  I picked ripe cherries.  RW ate the fruit directly off the branches of the trees.  I was shot in the face by the sprinkler.  RW gave me a piggy back ride through some prickly grass because it’s summer and I didn’t wear any shoes to Hannah’s house.  Summertime, in years past, has been such a solo event for me, hanging together like a frayed piece of sun-bleached fabric.  Just holding on.  Now I feel like my arms are open wide and I’m gathering everything into my generous embrace because there’s space here for collecting hearts and gifts and for seeing with clear, open eyes and following curious little trails into the great big yonder.  I’m in some kind of paradise right now.  Not everything is perfect, but my cup runneth over.

Summer is for growing.  Summer is for growing younger.  I hope you’re growing younger too.


  1. beautiful post. growing, growing younger, growing memories, growing happiness…such goodness.

  2. cherries cherries cherries…love those cherries
    I never thought of summer being for getting younger, maybe for getting tanned, definitely for visiting the ocean fish…I am so pleased that it is also for getting younger … xo

    Here’s to summer and her wild abandon, to filling our boots with love, and cherries.

  4. So glad for the both of you!

  5. summer, indeed, is for shindigs…naked and otherwise, with cherries on top!!

  6. Catherine Chandler says

    Oh, it warms my heart to see you this way!

  7. You’re looking like a radiant, cherry pickin’, barefootin’ farm girl. That valley is treating you right! x

  8. I love RW’s face full of greens. I’m happy for your happiness my friend.

  9. Simone Turner says


  10. Such summer joy! Here’s to growing younger… even though my b-day is tomorrow! I may just jump off the high dive with all the other kids~~~

  11. Love it! You deserve a million summers like this, Plume. Drink it all in deeply, as much as you can.

  12. Oh that joy is radiating from your smile as you toss that pony-tail in the sun! ;o) SO happy for you guys sharing a summer this year.. worth the wait eh?!
    P.S.. you’re featured on the blog today! ;o)

  13. this series is perfection. whimsical, rich, sheer goodness!
    oh how I long to be out of this city and out on the land…

    here’s to eternal summer youth!

    by the bye, you look 18 in that photo!

  14. “summer is for growing. summer is for growing younger.” Yes!

  15. i need me a dose of growing younger.

  16. summer is for growing younger
    yes I like that
    I will subscribe to this thought….indeed : )
    I am so happy that your cup runneth over…what a blessings

    love and light

    ps and for the record….perfection is over rated ; ) hehehe

  17. Keep taking it all in … you deserve it, beautiful you!

  18. It’s great to hear of barefoot everywhere and direct tree cherry-grazing in your valley of joy!

  19. You had me at cherries!

    Been meaning to mention a sweet little indie film, Take Me Home. Have you seen it? And the accompanying sound track, debut album by Bootstraps…a little bit of soulful heaven I find myself listening to each night before bed.

    Happy 4th, dear plaided Plume!

  20. Cheers to that!

  21. Thanks for all the love, gals! xx