
She’s more precious than a pot of gold.

Are you smiling?  I’m smiling too.


  1. precious

    and here is a little something I think you will enjoy

    love and light lovely lady

  2. She’s a wee pint o’ cute.

  3. ziggy is enamour’d….you know that.

  4. I am smiling, and I needed to.
    Thank you – and I agree, more precious indeed.


  5. Sweetness! I want to kiss her(?) little nose!

    • Duh.. yes “her”! Of course 🙂

      • You know, the reason I chose her out of her litter, five years ago, was because she had the weeniest schnozziest nose, the weeniest dumbo ears and the weeniest long body compared to her littler mates…AND…her face looked to me like a small, blooming tulip. She’s still the weeniest. We love her for it.

  6. Beautiful!

  7. You’re the weeniest. And I love you for it.

  8. Ahhhhh me ‘lucky charms’!! Where dogs can fart out rainbows… you truly live in a magical place! ;o) xo

    SO cute!

  9. Just love it!

  10. She is an utter darling!!!! I can just sense her soft neck… and what a delicious shot of the rainbow as background! Magical.

  11. Oh oh oh! How adorable! I am the lucky owner of a weenie too. They are so precious.

  12. You are such a beautiful writer, so poetic in the friendliest way.
    You’re right about hard-hearted women who inflict sorrow and discouragement. It’s life-essential to invest in the real ones, the ones that become your people.
    Elegant and telling post! Thank you, good wordsmith.