A Little Like A Gypsy


  1. wearing my gypsy token necklaces today as well. my new one from you is special already. i love that now i have quite a few that attach to different memories & times that i sat & made them with different women. that each one has some different beads, some different conversations & some magic imbued in each one. lady fairy sprite jillian’s necklace is goodness around me 🙂

    a pot of tea & an afternoon date with some stationary will be mine soon to sit & languidly write a long epistle of some sort to you!

    happy sunday sweet woman.

    • yes… this. to share in the making of them over and over in different sittings with each of you and more such dear, illumined friends. oh woe the miles but huzzah the connections we have made! (and Jilly I have so many photos to send but am taking my time wading through and rerelishing the times when they were taken) xoxxxoooooo

      • To Jen & LSL: What I love about making these beaded strands, especially when I’m making them with friends, is it feels like what women should do from time to time with each other. It feels old-timey. Think about it, in the past women used to sit around and quilt, embroider, cook while the men were outside raising a barn…I like to make something gentle and rhythmic while chatting and sipping a hot cup of tea or a chilly G&T. It feels good. It feels like memory making.

    • Sounds like a gorgeous way to spend an afternoon!!!

  2. Ah yes, the spirit in us that calls us to move, to be among the wind and fly with her to new places and discoveries within and out. To shed the unneeded and take only what is precious.
    To be wild… at one with the wildness…
    And at the end of the day sit around a fire and know that with our sweet families it is here that we are always home.
    Mwa! smooches to you wild gypsy girl.
    p.s. made something i think you will love – it has a bit of a gypsy feel to it. xo

  3. Simone Turner says

    Aahhh… Yes, Free sprit, moving, changing, roaming, exploring……
    Not all that wander are lost!!

    Been thinking of a new business name…

    Bohemian Betty … Sort of along the lines of a Gypsy!

    What da ya think?? I love these pictures, thank you for sharing!! S.

  4. These amazing photos look like stills from some ethereal, windy, and whole-hearted movie…The grey-ish-ness that seems to lurk on the edges magnifies the beautiful COLOR! I’ve been stringing colorful tiny bits lately, and can only bring myself to stop once my eyes are sufficiently sore. Something about their tiny potential is so exciting! Thank you for yet another series of photos to please my eyes and my soul when I need an extra dose of pretty.

    • They do look a bit like stills from a film! I think it’s the stormy tones swirled with the punches of color. It’s rich and drab at the same time…

      Stringing IS really fun, and sort of meditative. Don’t you find?

      Thanks, as always, for your tender loving kindness. X

  5. Beautiful photos as always…I want to think of another word….would nomads do?

    ps- I got Gilead from our library and started reading it… I think it makes me cry a little in my heart but not in my eyes…wishing you a beautiful day…wishing me a very productive day! xx

    • Nomads would certainly do!
      I think it might even be a bit more appropriate!
      I love the word nomad, I’ve used it often to describe jewelry designs. I think it suits many things about my life.

      I’m glad you’re reading Gilead and I know just what you mean…something about that book really got inside me.

  6. gorgeousnessyness… yes, it deserves a new word!

    That second shot NEEDS to become a postcard. Do it. Do it now.

    muah. xo
    Mel ;o)
    needle and nest

    • HA HA HA!!!!!

      I actually just ordered a box of postcards that feature the second shot. I send a postcard (well, a handful of postcards) with a thank you note written on the backside with every package that goes out. These will be my new little thank you cards. Thanks for thinking along the same lines! 🙂


      • ha! birds of a feather really DO flock together then… or great minds think alike…yah, I like that idea. ;o)
        — Will they be for sale on etsy tho?? As well on Weenbow of course!! lol

  7. Mystical and Enchanting Tones…Love.

  8. You are exquisite. Utterly. Love the photos in this series particularly…

  9. Oh, I especially love that last photo. The nice white skull you draped the beads on. Is it from the deer you discovered while running? Such gorgeous strands of lush, rich with color, beads. Niiiice.

    • No. The fawn skeleton I found while running didn’t have a skull. This is actually a deer skull I found on the beach while on Bainbridge Island. It’s sea washed and salt bleached — very clean, smooth and whole. Just beautiful!

      • Speaking of skulls and beads, I am acquainted with a woman in Wallace, Idaho who BEADS the skulls she finds out in the mountains where she is. She’s such a mountain momma. The skulls she creates are beautiful.

        At the end of summer, if we tow home through Wallace, I’m going to stop off to see her and ask her to bead a badger or a beaver for me. Her work is incredible!

  10. love the gypsy strands
    simple beauty
    all of it

    love and light

  11. i have SOOOOOOO missed your writings and wondrous photos. it’s been forever and way too long. i hope you are well and happy:) thank you for sharing so much beauty with us.
    XO, rachel

  12. I love these pictures, the colors, your ease and beauty- just gorgeous!

  13. Totally love the photo of you leaning on your silvery studio. So gorgeous. Miss you something crazy! xoxo