Last night there was a beautiful storm.  There have been so many beautiful storms lately.  I went out into the wind and rain and thundering black of sky and let it all rake and yank at me in all directions.  My hair lifted up off my neck in a glittering screech and I’m sure I had a pair of owls fly out of both ears.  It was a wild tempest and I loved every moment of it.

This morning, I awoke to clear skies and grass still wet with rain.  I found myself longing for a bit of communion with nature so I flopped down on the ground, pressed my back into the green and stretched out my arms, palms up, with the sky full in my face and my wet, rumpled hair draped around me like a halo that needed drying in the sunshine.  I shut my eyes and took in the world, sense by sense, I felt myself lifting and sinking to the feelings, sounds and scents around me.  I lay there like that, hearing the bird song, the wind in the tree fingers and feeling the heat of the sun pushing though my eyelids.  I was a part of everything.  When I opened my eyes and propped myself up on my elbows the hill behind the pasture was wriggling with the tawny gold of deer, a young buck in velvet was thinking about pillaging my garden and two hummingbirds were doing battle with each other above the flower garden.  Everything kept on, as it was, as though I was a wild thing too.  And I suppose I am.


  1. And a lovely wild thing you are. I too have been drinking in the summer storms, I have missed them so much this hot, dry summer.
    I’m sending something your way, I think you will very much enjoy it, and I’m excited for you to receive it.
    Be well.

  2. Your post reminded me of this This is my favorite writing about storms. I enjoy storms so much more after reading about how to experience them. :)I live in Puget Sound and love reading your comments about our lovely state. I’m a transplant from the desert in Utah and I definitely feel like I’ve found paradise here in Washington.

  3. My favorite part of the summer – the storms! We were due for a doozy last night, but it missed us 🙁 Beautiful writing and picture. I can’t wait until we head for the wilds of Maine to start my mornings like that 🙂

  4. and there you be: a wild winthrop thing.

  5. There’s no doubt you are one of the wild things! The deer, the hummingbirds, the flowers…they all thought you were one splendid Giselle.

  6. What a lyrical offering you’ve shared with us. Wild and alive drinking it all in. Sigh… what a gorgeous blessing and experience. I am honored to have read this. Thank you 🙂

  7. oh i love this.
    & i love you.

  8. you wild beauty you. i wish we had more summer storms here, but they are very rare.

  9. Hey wild thing!
    You make my heart sing.

    Today after my run I flopped myself down and watched the clouds drifting by. I didn’t see any animals or faces or even shapes today. I simply saw the small dance of movement. Like underwater threads weaving a pattern beyond our imagination.

  10. How I love this! I adore storms, yet we don’t have barely any in SF. Every now and again I’ll hear some thunder rumble, and I revel in it. I do have hummingbirds, though, feeding all day long from my feeder in a window box!

  11. Ah, you have delicious thundering storms there and I have…well, I have a little thunderstorm coming from my dinky boom box. (Yes, yes I did say boom box.)

    Okay, and because you’ll know exactly how I mean this, I totally want your bum!


  12. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. As always.

  13. love.

  14. Thank you all, so much, for these sweet, storm loving comments! I’ll light candles for you next time the storms sweep the valley clean. XX