Copper Glance

…where every cast was alleluia and every fish a tiny, shining miracle.


  1. YOU are my favorite shade of turquoise…

  2. Stunning landscapes! I would fish there, but more importantly I would swim. Pure art out there — glad you could go out and enjoy it! Every day spent out there is worth it.

    • It’s pretty cold.
      And you know, when a Canadian says water is cold…it’s pretty bloody cold.
      I didn’t swim yesterday but it was high enough that the air felt cooler.
      Last time I was at this lake, I did jump in, and it felt like a thousand ice bergs slammed into my heart, all at once, and I clawed my way to the surface like a wild animal and SCREAMED! It was that cold. 🙂 It made me feel alive. I was too chicken to swim yesterday…but Tater Tot did!

  3. Pretty turquoise top amidst breath taking landscape! I love fishing now too- didn’t always, but it’s so meditative. Glad you got out to savor the beauty surrounding you!!

    • I’ve always loved fishing! But I REALLY love it these days. One of my first fishing memories from my childhood involves being very little, in a canoe and hooking my dad. URP! The fishing up North, in Saskatchewan, where I’m from, is really different — mostly pike and walleye (big hooks *FIVE OF DIAMONDS* and spinning reels). RW first started teaching me to fly fish when we lived in Alaska and now that I live in pretty mountainous regions, year round, it’s such a pleasure to fish little rivers for trout and cutthroat. Fish are so beautiful. The act is so meditative. In the rivers, everything washes away, like the water pushing past my knees.

      I’m glad I got out too.
      I was due for an adventure.

  4. GAH! FLY FISHING! It’s certainly tough to get that line going, but I’ve got to say, I love the feeling of the yellow line (name has escaped me). Makes you want to throw and throw and throw just to feel the line between your fingers! <3

    • HA HA! Silly sweets, that yellow (or green) line is called *fly line*! Here is the order of line for you, as a refresher: tippet, leader, fly line, backing. I, too, love the feeling of fly line looping in the water around my knees and shooting through my left hand as I cast. Pure magic.

  5. Jillian, this is so beautiful. Glad the Methow is holding you well.

  6. Nice form!! Two turquoise beauties amidst a peaceful setting. This is loverly. X

  7. all my favourite colours at once.
    add: fishing. you. miracles.
    then it really IS perfect.

  8. Thank you for adding that wonderful color to my day… and am so glad you had lovely time of it. Gosh– that water—- it looks other-worldly!

    • My pleasure, sweets.
      It’s a beautiful lake.
      Not everyone is able to hike into it — it’s about 3 miles to get in to the lake with a vert gain of nearly 3000ft. Steep.
      It feels like a privilege each time I’m up there. A holy, sweet, privilege.

  9. Thanks for the glance. Keep on and a keep on…