A Small Fleet of Sunshine

[citrine & sterling silver]

Sometimes I make fleets of jewelry.  I like to see everything, of like kind, lined up on a surface — shimmering and glimmering.

Recently, a friend gave me a book (rather, a compendium) that details the properties of the mineral kingdom.  I don’t tend to get too hippy dippy about stones and gems but I really like this book.  I think the world, the universe, is creatively designed.  Everyone has their own opinion on the topic, and that’s a-ok by me.  That said, if our bodies get vitamin D by being out in the sun, if aloe is good to drink and slather on the skin, if tomatoes are rich in lycopene, if kale is thrumming with antioxidants, if copper relieves symptoms of arthritis, if chamomile can help put us to sleep, why shouldn’t rocks and minerals have metaphysical properties and why shouldn’t we pay attention and be intentional about which stones we wear on our bodies as we go about our days?

The world I live in is brilliant and full of things that can kill or heal my body, mind and soul — yours too.  I’ve been taking a closer look at crystals and minerals to see if there’s anything there that might help me on my way through life.

That said, citrine is a wonderful stone and is said to act to stabilize the emotions, to dispel anger, to encourage one to look toward the sunrise, the freshness of beginnings and the reality of excellence.  It stimulates both mental focus and endurance and can aid in digestion too!

It’s a brightening stone!  Sunspun, one of the November birthstones.


I have five of these little citrine beauties finished and will stock the shop later this afternoon.  May they all go to the ladies who need them most!

Shine on, sweet beauties.