
[sterling silver & various Idaho agates from local claims — available later this week]

I’m just getting warmed up! Β It’s so good to be home.


  1. OOOOOHHHHHHH, the second one from the left is sooo up my alley. I guess I’ll have to watch the shop like a hawk.

    Welcome back!

  2. Beautiful work! Love #2 and 3. Love that they’re from local claims too!

  3. Looks like I won’t be the only one staking out the shop to see these beauties go up. Looking forward to seeing these and more!

  4. oh oh oh
    apparently Home does you good!!!!

    love and light

  5. Oh my GAWD the plumes!!!!! (is that what they’re called?)

  6. ooowweee, you are making all of us so very glad that you are home!
    i had a feeling that there might be a stone and silver celebration upon your return!
    add my name to the list of those who hope to ‘claim’ some local goodness!

  7. welcome home, j-feather.

  8. oh well that’s IT.. I’m going to go sell a liver.. or buy a lotto ticket ~ because I want ALL of these on my chubby lil’ fingers!!
    Love how they shimmer.
    needle and nest design

  9. And you’re at it again! Such natural beauties.

  10. SQUEEEEE!!
    Wonderfully beautiful!
    I have work to share with you too friend!

  11. One of these days, I will join the ranks of you ring-wearing ladies, and I will snag up something of yours.

  12. Love. πŸ™‚

  13. Oh those stones!!

  14. Gorgeous rings!!! Glad you are home and creating as you do!! xo

  15. SWOON! I’ll be refreshing the shop’s page until they’re up!

  16. Beautiful stones and work.. I too hope to have one of these beauties one day.
    Glad to see you back and settling down again in your own home.

  17. Thank you, you wonderful things. XX

  18. Gasp! (Wipes drool off face).

  19. I’m new here and just wanted to say how much I love these rings and am looking forward to owning a beautiful creation from you soon,your work is amazing πŸ™‚

  20. Loverly!

  21. I choose ring number five. I love the setting and its like looking into a crystal ball. I’m seeing a desert scene, a lake, and a sunrise coming over the mountains. These are FAB!!!

  22. Thank you all again for these kind comments!

  23. I’d love to buy them all, they’re just gorgeous.

  24. Second from the right- Idaho in landscape. Can’t wait for that beauty to show up in my mailbox!

  25. I want.

    I want.

    I want!!!

  26. THANK YOU everyone! Thank you. XX

  27. Everything is so elegant here..
    when i saw, all the rings sold.. have to check your shop 24 hrs a day! :))

  28. Just Gorgeous!

  29. I can’t wait to own one of your pieces of jewelry!