[sterling silver, copper, enamel, Idaho douglas fir]

Each time I think I’ve finished working with lichen, the series seems to accidentally extrapolate itself.  I don’t mind.  It’s been fun to see this stuff continually unfold into and out of itself.  I started working on these little guys when I was living at the Little Cabin In The Woods this fall.  My kiln was in storage down at the base so I couldn’t do any enameling at the time but I patiently and careful thought about these pieces (only one shown here), sketched various versions of the enameled forms, daydreamed about the different natural objects to be used in conjunction with enameled components…I worked on those details for so long that falling into the actual work, the actual fabrication, feels like a gloriously beautiful and tidy exhalation of wild little spirits from my lung chambers.  Additionally, it’s feeling awesome to use a bit of tree in a jewelry design.  I’m tickled!


  1. I just can’t contain myself over this design! A tree brooch. So organic and original. You’ve outdone yourself once again.

  2. loving the colour and mix of textures.
    as usual, as always: you have outdone yourself and proven yourself to be an artist extraordinaire!

  3. this is so beautiful!

  4. Gaaaah! How wonderfully cute! A bit of the natural, a bit of your homage to the natural, all sweet and lovely.

  5. Jillian! This piece is so all-encompassing … It’s everything that you are – colourful, natural, exquisite, fun, beautiful, original. Tu ne cesse jamais de nous stupéfier! Xox

  6. shut up you! your enamel pieces kill me everytime. happy thankful week lady. am so bemused to be penpals with you. xxxooo

  7. That is a really “fun” piece. I also love the addition of wood. Perfectly done, Ms. Plume.

  8. Love the colors and form! Love that it’s a brooch. Bring on the brooches!! (Isn’t that a fun word?)

    • Brooch is a fun word and I agree — I love that it’s a brooch. These little guys are such pretty, strange sculptures. I would love to make some sort of a stand for them while they aren’t being worn…

  9. This brooch will make a beautiful shawl pin…The color and form is just so lovely. Thank you for sharing it with us today… m.

    • Maria! I agree! And I apologize for taking so long to publish this comment, I didn’t realize it was sitting in the moderation box behind the scenes here. Thank you for being here!!!

  10. oh my.
    orange and purple.

  11. Absolutely fantastic! I would love to be able to “talk enamel” with you!

  12. I Love it, so contemporary and gorgeous

  13. sooooo creative!

  14. WOW. A flaming branch brooch! A little torch. A last leafy burst of Autumn. You’ve broken new ground…yet again!

  15. You beautiful, beautiful beast. This is incredible! It is so balanced and seemingly effortless in its serenity. Incredible work and execution.

  16. Love!

  17. WOW
    You really work in a league of your own my sister-friend
    stunning, challenging, beautifying
    the colours
    the use of nature
    breathes in everything you make
    i love it
    thank you for being you

    Love and Light

  18. Lovely lovely…. And I do believe I’d find a way to fix this little beauty right up into my hair! A pretty brooch and I’d just have to be a rebel with it!

    You’ve done it once again! Beautiful!


  19. oh c’est trop joli!