I took these photos a couple of days ago, when the greyness and weather gloom had reached a sort of zenith in these parts.  On this day, it felt as though the sun failed to rise.  What a terrible, glum slog it was.  It had been gloomy for the better part of a week and I was starting to feel rather drab, thin, prickly.  Does the weather affect you that way?  I admit, I am rather turnsole at the core of things — always bending towards the light.  I don’t mind a little weather now and then, I like variance, change, the drift of stacked clouds on a horizon line, the flicker of shadow running long and wide over mountainscape as they come between earth and sun.  I like that, the movement of it, the kinetic shuffle of systems is so apparent to me then..when light is involved.

Today, the sun is out and broadly shining and the hills beckon!  I have about ten million beautiful emails I am looking very forward to responding to but first, oh, but merry first, the mountain beckons.  I shall pack a thermos of something hot, toss my camera in my bag, tie shoes on my feet and squelch around in the mud up there for a spell.  Sounds like sheer magic, doesn’t it?  I need a dash of wind in my feathers.  You probably do too.  Go outside.  Tether yourself to the land.  Set yourself adrift in the skies.

More soon.



  1. lovely and moody post. yes, i certainly am affected by the weather, sometimes more than i’d like to be. the other morning i looked west toward the mountains and saw a heavy cloud that had fallen to earth and become trapped in one of the valleys, while all around it was blazing sunshine. i thought about the people who awoke enveloped within that cloud thinking that another gloomy day was upon them, not realizing how temporary it would be. i took that as a message most certainly meant for me.

  2. sounds like heaven beautiful one

    the weather definitely has an impact on me….in so many ways
    and it never seem to be the same…ya know?
    i guess that is the beautiful thing about nature..consistent yet ever changing
    went for a crisp walk with he man and dog this morning..the frost nibbling at our exposed skin…the rains are coming here so we need to breathe it in whenever we can
    i know you are having the time of your life….enjoy!

    love and light

  3. It most certainly is magical, your plan…A few weeks ago I finally confessed to myself that I have a love affair with sun…sure, I can go for the rain, the fog, the this and the that but at the end of the day let me drink sun. Anyhow, congratulations on your sun stepping out. I am loving it for you. 🙂 xx

  4. I agree. I’m in need of a bit of land-tethering lately. I wonder if weather effects animals’ moods?

  5. Yes, yes yes… I’m right there with you. Tossed to a fro with the wax and wean of weather! I find moody Earl Grey days so delightful.. as long as they’re met with sun spots beside. Good Canadian weather, really ;o)
    P.S.. I do believe our mantles would get along nicely.. mine are littered with feather/driftwood/stone/candles… (lacking wee skulls tho!). Lets be friends.. wait, we are! ;o)
    needle and nest

  6. Such beautiful images.
    I have been feeling out of sorts lately, I’ve been searching for a reason why, I always thought I wasn’t affected by the weather, especially since I’m from the UK and used to the rain and cold, but it’s been non stop heavy rain and biting wind here for about a week now, and on Saturday we had a similar day that was just gloomy, like the sun just didn’t want to rise that day, I guess I felt out of sorts since then, so perhaps I’m more affected by the weather then I think

  7. I tend to love the mystery and fancy of foggy days. I drove home last night through fog so thick I though I might be able to bottle it until I crossed over the river. Suddenly I was in the most crisp, bright night! It was so clear, so contracticting to the grey of the miles behind me that I caught my breath at the beauty of it.

  8. OK. I will. After I send this, I am out the door! With steamy hot chai, camera and a gathering satchel in case I find just one more feather, rock, acorn, leaf or bone to add to my special area that I never dust.
    I’m a sun fish, sun salutationist, sun worshiper, a sunriser. But, I appreciate a good cloudy day and fog. I love fog! Yesterday it snowed. Today the bright sun is melting it away. A fine day for exploring.
    I’ll be down at my river waving to you.

  9. okay, how do such kindred souls find one another on the internet? If I took a photo of my studio at this very minute, you would laugh at the exactness of the decor. I mean…coyote skull, rat skull, feathers, candle, crisp glass canning jars holding things, elk antlers (I even have a perfectly preserved dead bat in a box.)

    This post..right down to the “hills are beckoning” is music to my ears; to be creatively, juicy and happy I must run or hike everyday. hope you have found and/or caught (on camera) something extraordinary (not another life bird I hope.)

    I am french-canadian-metis by heritage, northeast USA born and I now live in the high, glorious, wild, mountains of Arizona. That is how I dealt with the weather and sun issue. It still snows here (a foot and a half) but is sunny about 300 days a year. I can run these sunny mountains all year round, tho sometimes I end up running in my Sorels.

    Once again thank you for all your beauty, and eloquent words.


  10. The fog here this morning was so thick my drive to work involved turning off the radio and winding down the windows at every corner..I didn’t want to run into any surprises (literally)! Once I was in town the fog just disappeared and the most glorious blue sky beckoned…the kind of sky you could lose yourself in… summer is just around the corner and I am so looking forward to it. It feels as though summer has passed by these parts for the last two years or so – I’m yearning for a long, hot summer season and today’s forecast is hot, and hotter again tomorrow so fingers crossed! Enjoy your time on the mountain.

  11. You should try the British weather then! Not a single day passes when the sky is not gloomy and dark. It is raining and raining and raining! It makes you feel sad, isolated, stressed tired, sleepy…and then you enter your office, a lecture theatre, a seminar room and you suddenly feel like a chicken in a chicken coop with all this light coming at you! 😀
    Moving from Greece to the UK has really been a shock to my system!!

  12. We are experiencing a bit of a Hawaiian “winter” finally, yesterday was oh so windy, cloudy, and beautiful…I got my feathers ruffled in some wild wind while cozying up on the back porch. With such small changes in the season here, I’m noticing every year I become more and more aware of the smallest changes, just a few degrees, and the changing of the light makes all the difference…Hope you have a lovely time up on the mountain!

  13. beautifully written. hauntingly photograph’d.

    it’s not at all difficult to set myself adrift in the nighttime starry skies overhead: my solace comes from looking upward with a prayerful heart.


  14. Your beautiful blog brings me so much happiness 🙂 I love your words, work and pictures. Sitting in my tiny, little sub-level condo in the middle of a busy city, your posts completely bring me out to the fields and mountains where I long to be.

  15. mashed potatoes says

    Oh what a lovely post! At times I totally welcome a grey day so i can snuggle up with cat and book and not feel an ounce of regret for not being part of humankind’s daily mad dash. But too many of those gloomy days back to back and i get all frumpled up. Today is sunny and it makes me sooo happy!!! Have a great one!!!!

  16. I loved reading all these beautiful thoughts. Gosh! You guys just take my breath away sometimes! THANK YOU all for taking a moment to write. X