
[Babe In The Moon Ring::sterling & prehnite]

[Babe In The Woods Ring:sterling & prehnite]

So many righteous little babes…catch them over here!


  1. LOVE your hollow form pieces, each a story captured in silver. (Will look forward to the day when I have one of my very own!) =)

  2. These are beautiful! If only they were a smidge bigger for my cabbage like hands!

  3. Dear Jillian,
    Are you having a lovely December so far? Have a very Merry Christmas! I just discovered these rings and they are beautiful 🙂 They are my favourites from all your work which I’ve seen so far. I’m sure it’d be a fabulous image for a necklace pendant, too.

    • I’m having a CRAZY December so far! Today is my last day of studio work and then I will answer all my email correspondence ad then I will finish Robbie’s Christmas gift and then I will mail all my little packages to friends and then I might sit back and relax a bit. 🙂

      Have a beautiful Christmas!

  4. something about these babes seems very fitting for the winter solstice,
    like they somehow beckon the return of the light.
    lovely work as always.
    enjoy your holiday break.

  5. Gaa! Where are the babes?
    And I’m with Ester, I have strong, man-ish hands; if I can be so demanding…more large sized rings, please!
    Off to celebrate the Solstice in my most feral, pagan way.
    Love to you.

  6. These are just gorgeous rings!! Happy Solstice!!

  7. a little devastation = seeing this post, then heading to the shop and seeing no babes!
    congrats on the sales — these are absolutely gorgeous. my favorite. can’t wait to see more!

  8. Wow! Those babes moved quickly! I was oogling over them on flickr yesterday! Whilst I was in the shop I was admiring the lichen earrings…amazing. Don’t know if you like Elizabeth Gilbert, but her new book out next summer is about a female botanist (who may or may not have a thing for moss). You might just love it! (I happen to be a lucky duck who got to read it pre-edited!) Although I’ve never met you in person, I think you and Liz would go gaga over each other.

  9. Jeez Louise. How did you DO that?? Her little dress and everything.
    YOU are a babe.

  10. um
    those like ROCK!!!!

    love and light my lovely

  11. Spectacular creations, as usual. I had a meaningful encounter recently with a very wise Grand Father Cedar. I dont have many Douglas Firs in my area, but I was once married to a Doug, not really at all the same is it, Ha!

  12. These are my most favorite pieces of yours, especially for this girl who feels most at home under a giant tree and pine needles crackling under her feet.

  13. Oooh these are so lovely & beautiful!
    I seem to always be a bit too late to catch one of your pieces.
    Love your blog & will keep on trying.
    May 2013 bring you more happiness & light!

  14. Darling dearest. It’s been a long time since I’ve wandered into your neck of the interweb woods. I’ve missed you. I think of you often. I felt compelled to post a comment on this particular post because when I saw these rings…the beautiful babes…my eyes filled with tears. Because of their beauty. The pure beauty that came from your creativeness and skill. And I wanted to say thank you, thank you for being you.

    Much love,