[Fiddlehead Earrings: sterling, copper & coral]

[Fiddlehead Earrings: copper, sterling & pearl]

[Fiddlehead Earrings: sterling, copper & chrysoprase]

[Fiddlehead Earrings — Rabbit Rising: sterling, copper, pearl]

Well, there’s been plenty of fiddling around going on here for a few days now.  Pun intended.  Unfurling, unwinding, upward reaching, light seeking, root sinking, holy water sipping, twirling, curling, asking, knowing, curving and growing.  It’s a good season.

Speaking of seasons, it’s delightfully cold here!  I am enchanted!  I love all the seasons for divine little reasons, but winter holds a special place in my heart.  Lately, it is bright, sunny and frigid every day here.  The sunsets have been fully exposed which makes for the most spectacular alpenglow on the peaks at the South end of the valley every single night.  When the sun is going down, more often than not, I am running with the dogs up the side of Red Hill, above the University.  I am swaddled in layers of merino wool and fleece lined tights.  I cannot feel my fingers usually and my cheeks are burned red with cold.  Sometimes there are frost clumps growing on my eyelashes and eyebrows.  My breath billows white.  When I see the sun setting over my valley and the snow bearing mountains lighting up neon pink I feel a thousand alleluias swoop through my soul.  It.  Is.  So.  Good.  My, how I love to have a good gallop.

What about you?  Where have your feet taken you lately and what beauty have you seen?


  1. I have a similar reaction when I see beautiful sunsets, sunrises, and moonrises! I just try to take in all of that beauty! Those earrings are fantabulous (fantastic & fabulous). Recently my feet took me to view the lake and the sunrise early in the morning. It was magic and I never do these kinds of things by myself. I think I will be doing more of them (with the help of a big thermos of coffee). 🙂

  2. Gorgeous earrings.

    I live in an urban setting (out of necessity), but my feet did take me hiking to a local state park a week ago, where there were enough trees, rocks and uphills to pretend I was in the far away mountains.

  3. WOW! Love these! You are so gifted thanks for sharing!

  4. DIVINE!!!!
    all of it

    love and light

  5. Here there has been snowshoeing, skiing, horseback riding. The eagles are gathering around the open water, the geese continue their noisy gossip and the deer dig for missed ears of corn in the field behind the house. It’s the sunrises here that hold my gaze lately.
    Lovely work here lady, I especially love the ones with the green stones.

  6. J,

    Look who I found on the Crush Cul De Sac!


  7. I took myself on a hike round out pine covered acres…. through a foot of snow with my pup jumping round we ascended to the very upper corner and snapped a photo of the snow covered valley bellow. A most beautiful sight that seaped right into my soul. I breathed it right in and then bounded down the hill to the frozen pond, round the fenceline and back up indoors for a nice little chat with my love. I’d share my pic…. but don’t think that I can through comments.
    I think Im starting to enjoy this winter with all its wonder.

  8. to answer your question: point woronzof and other places in the city.

    and i’m loving all this unfurling business. especially rabbits rising and green stones attached.


  9. Your post has me dreaming of running again- I used to run a lot and then I grew to have a complicated relationship with it. My feet like to walk mostly now, with my wild auburn haired mutt up ahead of me on trails around here. I live in a rural type area, but wish I was out in the wild more. This unfurling work is fantastic!! The pearls and rabbit jumping up toward an ear are my favorites. xo

  10. Rabbits an’ chrysoprase! yips and yikes! Looks like you’re full of inspiration and adventure. As always! These designs are extraordinary and so ‘you’.

  11. Thank you all for these wonderful comments. They are deeply appreciated. XX

  12. You. Are. Awesome. ☆

  13. Hi Noisy Plume!
    These earrings are just breathtaking! And I LOVE fiddleheads – it’s such a treat when they poke their curly cue heads up in early Spring here in VT. May I ask….are they for sale? I particularly love the ones w/ chrysoprase & the beauties with coral. Merci!