
Today: Just a handful of beautiful, quiet images, to buoy your sweet souls on this fine Monday.  I meant to find a moment to write, but I’m already out of time today!  More tomorrow.  Unless there’s fresh snow…


  1. NICE : )

  2. Lovely moments, lady.

  3. So tranquil! Amazing photos, as always.

  4. Quiet beauty indeed.
    Hope you are well.

  5. These are lovely.. as is the rarity that I would happen upon them during a fleeting period of ‘quiet’ around this nest (well, besides the rasping breath of my snuffly tot beside me) ;o)
    Gorgeous SNOW there!
    needle and nest design

  6. &
    YOU did of course…
    buoy my spirit
    lift my soul.

  7. Your images spoke volumes – peace, beauty, and yes about quiet things.

  8. Such beautiful and inspiring images – I’m buoyed! In December I drove through Pocatello on a family road trip, maybe it’s a bit weird, but I was so excited to “see where Jillian lives”… such a lovely little town. Wish I could have stayed and explored a bit. Thank you for sharing your life/words/photos – this little interwebular space is a favourite of mine. Happy New Year!

  9. These are WONDERFUL! And I’m also wondering about those necklaces. Will they pop up on your shop? I was seriously coveting your lichen earrings recently, but alas! Some other lucky duck snagged them.
    All the very best xoxo

  10. Nevermind… I see they have already sold, too! 🙂 I hope they are in good hands. xo

  11. Thanks for the little glimpse into your quiet day. I have a renewed love for the BIG snow after spending 2 1/2 weeks in New Hampshire (snowshoeing.) Just got back to the AZ mountains and your snow pics reminded me of the night=time solo treks I did nearly every day while back east. sigh. O well, snow soon enough here. I will be patient.
    Thank You (and, oh my, those necklaces!)

  12. yes.
    to quiet elegance.

  13. Lovely photos…:)

  14. speaking of quiet. the desert, OH, the stillness in the desert was on a magnitude unequal. fell in love with it. i want to be back there yesterday. the break was beautiful & enriching. hoping your new year moments are feeling the same. xxxooo

  15. Beautiful all

  16. All the ingredients needed for a lovely day. Thank you!

  17. What is that you’re holding? A cactus claw? Cool! I want that big fat braid, some of your snow, a piece of your jewelry and a bath. Just loverly. X

  18. Thank you for sharing bits of your beautiful life with the world.


  19. love

    love and light

  20. Oh, the snow in the trees is just beautiful. I hope I get to see that here this year–you never know in my little corner of NC. I can only hope.

  21. “….she goes quietly….”


  22. Just want to give you all a huge thank you for these wonderful little notes you put here. Thank YOU for buoying ME.

  23. the sun through those snow-covered trees made my heart skip a beat. xoxo