Oh.  Beautiful, singular Idaho.

These images are from our recent chukar and Hungarian partridge hunt at Brownlee Reservoir on the Snake River last week.  I almost feel sad being home once more.  There’s an echo of the land singing in the marrow of my bones.

The longer we live here, the more experiences I have with Robbie, hunting and hiking in remote locations, the more I believe there’s nowhere else that could ever suit us more than here.


  1. Beautiful images.
    And what more beautiful than a feeling of belonging.
    Hope you’re well, little lovely.

  2. Oh my! Spectacular

  3. gorgeous. it’s so settling to feel it in your bones; when you KNOW you know you know that this is where it’s at. letter popped in the mail yesterday to you.


  4. you *know* i love me some ideeho. especially the snake river.

    p.s. those lovely spoonshaped feet make for some grand snowshoe’ing, eh?

  5. I’m glad you’re there in your mountains of icy blues and lavenders. Those photos!! Like you’re on an IDAHO MOON! Hug that land as it hugs you back. It’s so obvious you are where you’re suppose to be! The powerful snake river with its swells and white caps in the previous post. OMG.

  6. And on that land breath can be taken full and deep – of life and all that it means.

  7. Lovely images. Those shots of the river in the previous post make me wish I could paint.
    Thank you for brightening my day.

  8. Wow! I can see why you’d want to stay put! By the way, Happy New Year, Jillian … I hope everything you wish for comes your way this year and always! Big hugs from Québec XX

    • Happy New Year, sweets!

      I hope the same things for us all this year. That the dead would fall away, that we would be pruned, all of us, and that we would grow up strong and fruitful in the year to come.


  9. Magnificent

  10. Hey gals!
    I’m so glad to be able to share these images with you…wish, even more, that you could witness Idaho in person.
    I’m in love.

    Thank you all for stopping by!
    Your kindness and good cheer means the world to me.

  11. you make me quite envious. there’s nothing I want more to live somewhere close to the vast expanse. be it land or sea. coastal, interior. doesn’t matter. somewhere with a woodstove and woodfloors. where a meal has to be earned. where everything tastes better because that’s just the kind of place it is. my heart is calling.

  12. What a spectacular landscape. The dogs look s like they are having a grand time. What are their fancy collars for?

    • Peanut, I was so curious every time I saw the pups with these collars. I think they’re GPS collars, but when I went-a-googling, the hunting training collars looked like these, too!

      • Hey Gals!
        Those collars are hunting collars or training collars.
        Some collars also come with GPS but that’s more for hounds that work MILES ahead of a hunter.

  13. Idaho is so amazing. I wish we would have explored that area a bit more when we lived there. We always found ourselves gravitating to Utah or Mack’s Inn/Island Park for a quick trip. The picture of the three mule deer in the distance is just amazing.

    The river runs wild doesn’t it…

    • Sure is. I think it’s the most overlooked state in the Union and certainly one of the best kept secrets in the USA. 🙂 I’ll keep exploring for us both, ok?

      And yes.
      The river runs wild. So wild. And it carries me with it.


  14. you have found your home. your true north.
    you blend with the savage beauty (in the reallifetrulybeautiful kind of way) of the landscape so well – fairytalesque.

    • I think I have!
      I think you’re right.
      I’ve resisted because sometimes coming truly HOME requires releasing all your other places…but I’ve realized that belonging here and letting my roots go deep doesn’t mean that Saskatchewan isn’t sacred anymore…

      I’m not sure why I feared belonging here fully…but I did.

      Have a lovely day!

      • And this comment caused my breath to catch in my throat and the skin prickle up the back of my neck.

        “… sometimes coming truly HOME requires releasing all your other places…”

        And through this comment a truth I’ve been avoiding was just whispered to me. I’ve been feeling for a long while that this place is my “home” and yet I’ve been fighting against it (for perhaps my entire life) … thinking of all of the places in the world that I love… to settle into life, to grow roots, to plan to stay here beyond the next season has seemed so final and confining.

        But perhaps, perhaps it is freeing. To finally be home.

  15. So beautiful!!! I love those puppies going wild and being free!! They are having a blast!

  16. I think I am close to taking a trip to Idaho. Your pictures have captured my heart. It looks so beautiful…

    My husband took up fly fishing about three years ago and we go mainly to northern New Mexico, southern Colorado and western Arizona. I think we need to explore new horizons!