
[Lycaenidae Stacking Rings :: sterling with 23 karat gold accents]

Oh!  The beauty of the delicate.  I’m feeling delicate this week so I’ve been making delicate things.  These little stacking ring sets are inspired by the edges of my creek in springtime.  On warm afternoons, where the sun hits full and warms the tack of the dirt paths, the smallest butterflies will congregate in flittering jamborees, sip their swamp water with fluted tongues and start the winds whirling with their placid flutterings (somewhere in the distance a hurricane is born).  Anytime I catch them pooling and spooling in the spring sunshine, I stop running for a while, crouch there with them on the ground, and coax one or two to land on my finger tips.  Oh.  The beauty of the delicate.

Besides feeling pretty and delicate and small this week, I think my heart of winter loving hearts may be yearning for a thaw, hoping for a ribbon of warmth to sneak its way into my life and wrap every good thing up with a turquoise bow.


Last night when I was running with Farley, I was chugging up a steep hill and as I crested it, my entire being met the full glory of the sun as it crowned the West bench on the other side of the valley — it was hung up on a mountain peak and the world was swimming in pink haze, snow blush and wild fire.  I thought every single warm, beautiful, generously giving light on our fair planet was shining directly in my face.  I opened up my mouth and sang one pure, long note, held my arms out wide, and the light poured itself down my throat, like a hot drink, and settled somewhere inside my ribcage.  Now my heart beats with alpenglow and I know I’m not forsaken.  It was holytastic.  And I felt loved.  Loved by the Light.


  1. holytastic. speak it girl. this week the package goes out to you. *this. week.*


  2. Oh my. These are lovely. Just lovely.

  3. These little fluttery beings remind me of when you had little butterfly babies.

    <3 <3 <3

  4. wow, woman! things don’t last long in your shop. already sold, you crafty lass.

  5. singing the alpenglow, being loved by the light: perfect. so very.

  6. Such a clever minx you are.. “flutter” “rings” flutterings.. love that. These remind me of the lovely gold stacking rings my older sister has (with dangling hearts from them).. I always smile to hear them ‘jingle’. What a beautific vision you had – holytastic indeed! I’d swear you’re living in the high country. (Cue song! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwnmTQx2B-8)
    needle and nest design

  7. Oh do I love your description of you run

  8. I find your writing so fresh and full and sweet and cool and light.
    it gladdens my heart.

    so thanks!

  9. Jillian, you have the most ~pure~ site on all the internet!

  10. “….I opened up my mouth and sang one pure, long note, held my arms out wide, and the light poured itself down my throat, like a hot drink, and settled somewhere inside my ribcage. Now my heart beats with alpenglow and I know I’m not forsaken. It was holytastic. And I felt loved. Loved by the Light.”

    mmmmmmm all kinds of delicious

    and then
    as if i didnt adore you enough before, you go on and proclaim ‘HOLYTASTIC’

  11. Sweet! The elusive butterfly dangling off a ring. Being in a dainty and delicate mood paid off! One of a kind winged creation. Really. It’s lovely. I agree with Karen. X

  12. Lightness of being.

  13. Clearly, I ought to take up running! I want that holy mojo too.

  14. I am loving those flutter rings…wow.

  15. So glad to have found you…. love your muse.


  16. Beautiful, beautiful images you have planted in my mind! Your words speak to my soul, and those delicate, dainty flutter rings make my eyes smile. What a light joy they must be to wear on your fingers~. Little pictures of freedom, those butterflies are.

    And “holytastic”. Amen, dear soul. Amen!

  17. I keep coming back to these words.

    I can see your alpenglow soulshine all the way over here.

  18. Thank you all for being here. XXX