White Buffalo

[Nomad Necklace — White Buffalo :: sterling silver, copper, enamel, prehnite, trade beads & aventurine]

There’s just something about bison that shouts *interior West* to me. Β Β He’s like a ponderosa pine tree — a grandfather to so many things, a ghost, a spring creek, the black of a thunderstorm against the Rockies front, the bulk of the Tetons erasing the sky, the rumbling belches of Yellowstone…a pair of train tracks headed for the horizon, grey wolves, cowboy boots, patchwork quilts, rough and ready folks…you know, the things that stitch the massive and wild territory of the interior West together.

Β ———————————–

I think once we make it here, we’re all stuck like glue to the continental divide, the rise and the fall of it, like so many bison in days gone by. We’re rivers running, wind sweep, bee sting and the stink of blooming sagebrush on the wide frontier.


This is the white buffalo. Something extra special: peace bringer. He holds a pale green hope in the echoing broadness of his chest.


  1. he’s quite ruggedly handsome!

  2. Gawd, girrrllllll you know how to make a woman’s soul yearn.

  3. Hmm – of all of the things I’ve seen you come up with so far, this is, by far, my favorite. One that I instantly knew I needed to have. Of course, everything flies off your shelves so fast. Do you think you will continue to fashion these lovely buffalo pendants?

  4. I LOVE the bunch of necklaces beneath the buffalo necklace. Are they made of small beads or just thread? Your style is impeccable. πŸ™‚

  5. and just yesterday I heard about the reintroduction of the wood bison to alaska. it’s a buffalo week!

    • But Joni! I thought there was a wood bison herd in Wrangell Saint Elias National Park! We used to live right across the Copper from WSENP. Word on the street was there was a herd of buffalo in there! They have 13.2 million acres to wander so I guess they aren’t seen that often… πŸ™‚

      • The bison in the Wrangells are the same bison as the ones on your lovely plains. I started off doing my grad work on the wood bison reintroduction, there is a small test group in the Yukon flats, they are contemplating a larger reintroduction now. Great Wood buffalo. πŸ™‚

  6. Lynsey Brooks says

    Oh just beautiful. I always love how you combine the beads on your neck pieces, they all work so well together.

  7. That is one awesome buffalo. Kudos.

    You mentioned the Continental Divide. Last week we were driving along a back road. desolate. not a soul in site. One cow. Then a stack of rocks. Large to small. It was the marker for the Divide.

    P.S. This was in New Mexico. I live in El Paso, Texas. Paso del Norte

    • Thanks, toots!

      Ah…that continental divide…always right there, invisible…mighty…dictator of mountain waters…

      I laughed at, “one cow.” HA HA HA!

      How is El Paso anyway? I’ve been asking RW to take me on a Texas holiday for AGES…

      • El Paso gets bigger by the day, what with transplants from Mexico, California and elsewhere. Texas is hot and dry in the summer…so plan a visit in the cooler months! We head north for our holidays! The Santa Fe area and Antonito, Colorado (Conejos River where my husband fly fishes).

        I would love to see Idaho someday…looks spectacular!

        • I’d want to visit in the winter. I do poorly in heat. If your husband fishes on the fly, he’s going to NEED a trip to Idaho. Surely, he has a deep need for cutthroat and steelhead in his manly heart of hearts… And it is a beautiful place. You’d love being here.

          • Oh, I’m sure he would like to catch some bigger fish that what is available around here!!
            We will make our way north to Idaho someday…Yes! It is the future!

  8. Truly beautiful totem celebrating such a magnificent animal. I dearly love the name some Native tribes give bison, Faces (Facing) the Storm. I recently watched the documentary, Facing the Storm. Have you seen it?


    Parts of it were hard to watch (and made me cry) but I was left feeling somewhat hopeful for the survival–dare I say, reemergence–of this beautiful iconic animal. Even as a transplant, I can’t imagine this country without them.


  9. Absolutely stunning!! I love love love the colors you chose to put together for this piece.

  10. Amazing!! I have never been to the interior West and you bring it alive and present for me. Thank you!! xo

    • Eileen, oh, you must get yourself over here sometime. Once you find yourself standing out in wild, unfettered space, something in you is going to crack open…it’s beautiful here…and so different from anywhere.

  11. Stunning. This post reminds me of my favorite movie, set in the interior: dances with wolves.

  12. THIS girl.
    THIS buffalo.

  13. OH! So exuberant and delicate!
    Love everything you make!


  1. […] 2. The Noisy Plume’s Buffalo Necklace. […]