The color around here is so staunch and burly lately…one of the blessings of winter is when robust chroma presses up against white.

I have so many things to tell you, so many things to say, but the words come on as ghosts, fragments, intangible wisps.  I am patient.

Look, my geranium is blooming!


  1. -beautiful colors-
    is that water kefir?
    i want to know more about that.

  2. i love every bit of this post: tater’s loving gaze as you bead, the lemon seeds lined up in your jar of water [that’s how i drink my water, also] and all the colour….and this being sunday, the little bit of sacredness hanging on your wall.
    i remember reading, a long time ago upon moving to alaska, the need for colour in the winter world of whiteness. i still cling to this.


    • That baby spud…he’s such a little undercover lover. I’ve been on lemon overload around here. It really makes my cells sing. I don’t usually set out to eat the seeds too, but if they get in my mouth when I’m sipping, I go ahead and crunch them like a wild zebra.

      My little piece of sacredness was actually my Christmas present from Robbie — it’s such a beautiful piece of art by one of the most talented artists I know — a Polish fellow from up in the Panhandle of Idaho who is a master of wood, metal, stone…and pizza. 🙂 It’s made of cast bronze, olive wood and agate in classic Byzantine style. And as you know, that rosary is antique mother of pearl, from France…a sacred little piece as well.

      The white of winter is why I wear a long, red wool coat. 🙂 I like to look like a majestic rose hip out there on the mountain, just waiting to be committed to a bird belly and flown high over the land.

  3. Beautiful colors!!! Love them – they lift the mood.
    Beading looks relaxing, though I’m not sure my 40 year old eyes would be up to it. I just took up cross stitching and had to buy a dorky lighted magnifier to wear around my neck!

  4. eggs in a basket! Well, atleast that is what I call that oh so tasty breakfast treat!

    • That’s what I call it too! Robbie calls it something like “a hobo on a train”…..??? The first time I heard him call it such, I shot a pineapple spinach smoothie out my nose I laughed so hard. That Robert…he’s such an everlasting curiosity.

    words will come as they please…

  6. Oh, those eyes! Love the colour hey. Glad you’re making fun little bright splashes 🙂

  7. Love the shot of the hanks of seedbeads!

  8. Love it all! My geraniums and orchid are blooming too! XX

  9. I am patient too. (But, hurry up)
    I long for your wisp of words.
    And I love your bangs.

    • HA HA!
      I try not to let myself be TOO patient…because I think I sometimes mistake patience with LAZINESS when it comes to work.

      I’m trying to set aside some time today to write and write and write…life has been so full here lately, and for a short while, I was turned very…*inward*.

      As for those bangs, I was about to have them pruned!

  10. Beading therapy zone out time is one of my favorites! A plie of brightly shining tiny beads always brings a smile and these are SO RAD! Love all the color combos 🙂

  11. Such bright, bold, and vibrant colors. It brings a little cheer to winter days like these.

  12. My heart just skipped a beat…EVERY bit of this is pure magic…Your beauty is my gift, this day & I thank you!

    PS…you can’t hide those strands of NUGGETS from me, sweet pea!

  13. It’s 20 below tonight. I feel it on my skin, a stiffness in my fingers, but inside my heart is warmed…These photos!
    I’ve been so addicted to beading these last few weeks…Searching for the never before seen combo…A warm matte grey seed seems to fit everywhere…
    Warmest x’es & o’s Plume.

    • Brrrr…we had weather like that for three weeks here. It was so hard to be in the studio working. I was constantly shivering…taking baths in the middle of the day to warm up…

      Stay warm tonight, dear woman. And thanks for mentioning warm matte grey beads…I’ll need to get a hank of those.


  14. …oh my… I needed those colors today. I just keep going back to look. Seed bead heaven. x0

  15. Ah, today was a dreary soul day, although sunny outside. These photos made me stop and see the color. Thank you for that. I needed a shot of hope in the middle of worry.

  16. That brown puppy sure is magical.

  17. We had a blue morning here…. not the blue of summer, but the blue promise of spring. The sunrise turned the hills and the clouds and, it seemed, even the air the lightest of blues.

    A distinct change from the grey of winter mornings.

    Oh how a bit of color can rouse a new feeling in a person who has been swaying to the rythm of winter’s white drum.

  18. Thanks for this post – those colors were a gift on a cold, bleak morning!

  19. For a moment I thought your lemon seeds were stones you were stringing and couldn’t for the life of me figure out WHY they were in liquid. THEN I looked again and my blonde moment went away and I realized what it was!! Silly me…. love love love the colours… need them on these frosty northern Canadian days lately!
    Bead on lovely lady….