[White Buffalo Spoon :: copper & enamel]

Boy howdy.  I just let a spoon-whim hijack my entire day and I had a lovely time.


Now a handful of details I’ve been meaning to share with you:

1.  RW has commenced Phase Two of our Airstream refurb project.  He’s been taking a cabinetry class with our local university and spends his every waking moment obsessing over measurements for the bed he is building in Miss Maple.  We decided on walnut for all the wood trimmings inside our big silver rig.  I’ll take a photograph of Rob’s progress later this week when the Airstream door isn’t frozen shut.

2.  A friend sent me a link to this and I’ve been playing it in the house and the studio pretty much all day long, every day, for a couple of days now.  I love everything about it and if my job didn’t require grubbing around with metal and other various wardrobe ruining bits and bobs, I’d dress exactly like these ladies every single day.  In the meanwhile, I bop around to them and it’s great.

3.  I’ve been quickly making my way through Madeleine L’Engle’s entire library, and it is an extensive library, did you know she penned over 60 books?  Prolific!  Robbie is hooked on Wrinkle at the moment.  Besides this, this and this, I’ve been tucking into this.

4.  A friend sent me a copy of this and I pounded it in three days — what a crazy adventure!  I then went forth and procured a copy of this and found myself utterly besotted for a full five days (I didn’t want it to end so I made all 847 pages last as long as possible).  But golly, I laughed and wept and sighed throughout.  What a beautiful little tragedy…of sorts.

5.  You may have missed this handsome fella.

6.  We watched this a couple of weeks ago and it wasn’t half bad, however, the fly fishing footage in this movie is wonderful!  I’d watch it again just to see the casting — it made my fingertips tingle and my soul yearn for summer in the Methow.

7.  Also, before Christmas, I watched this series which is a sort of sequel to Pillars of the Earth (also good).  I was fascinated, horrified, and as always, I just hate it in these historical pieces when women are called witches and punished for being healers.  I can’t handle it.

8.  I loved this little interview.

9.  I’m placing an order here and am really excited to try the Grateful Heart Tea — I love their blends.

10.  J’adore!


  1. Thanks for introducing Lucius! They bring new funk to folk, don’t you think? And I’m loving that bison spoon.

  2. i just stayed up way past my bedtime listening to lucius. they are fantastic! i can see exactly how you could spend a day rocking out to them. my favorite tune so far is “turn it around.” already it’s stuck in my head–and i am very much okay with that. thanks for the introduction! 🙂

  3. my. goodness. the. links.
    i was clicking and clacking the keys and checking them all out!

    love the spoon but i’m still in big-time love with the elf lichen elk middle earth spoon.

    can’t wait to see refurbished miss maple! so proud of robert for his studying and efforts to spiffy-up the mobile silver trailer!

    siskin and starlight to thee!

  4. The little bison spoon is delightful and I’ve have very much enjoyed looking at your airstream project…thank you for sharing.
    I have given you a little thank you over on my blog, I hope that’s OK!

  5. …I am sorry…I think I COULD indeed see you working in the studio dressed like that!…he he!
    can’t wait to see R’s airstream work…and thanks so much for the culture schwag!…ok, off to check it out! xx K

    • There have been days when I HAVE dressed like that! It’s too cold now though. Today I have on long johns, jeans, a down skirt, two shirts, a hooded sweatshirt, a toque and a down vest. 🙂 I’m still shivering a bit. It’s good to have the kiln running…


  6. Love all of your finds- that interview and home was just stunning! Looking forward to reading and listening more after work. 🙂

  7. I think there’s a 95% you’ve already read this, but JUST in case – have you read “The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society”? I know you would love it.

    • OH also – thank you for sharing those books. They are right up my alley and I rarely find books without a recommendation.

    • Haven’t read it! Going to now!

      You know, recommending books is always a bit scary. I mean, what if someone picks up what I recommended and HATES it, violently, and believes me to have the all time worst taste in books!!? I’ll be embarrassed…to a certain degree. 🙂

  8. 1. Thank you for sharing that *awesome* tiny desk concert. Love it.
    2. The flatware you create is so inspiring.
    3. I have Airstream envy. gulp.
    4. Some days, your perspective on nature & the beauty that is our world, is just what I need to read. It is a joy to have you share bits of your world with us all.

    • I listen to those desk concerts nearly all day long in the studio, off my laptop with a set of attached speakers. NPR is a rich, music wonderland. I do the same with CBC radio…

      Thank you for all the kind things you said here! X

  9. I love your spoons!! Vintage spoons are our business, so I’m extra fond of all flatware. Yours are spectacular!! I’d love to hang one of those on my spoon rack to really grab the eye!

  10. oh, your white buffalo spoon could quite possibly be the definition of inedible deliciousness. beautiful.

    what a message of abundance. the links! and my goodness, can you read! you must eat words for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    cant wait to see miss maple’s modifications….


  11. Please, are you selling your exquisite spoons somewhere? Your work is so beautiful, as are your words and photography – I am totally inspired by you.