[deer skin, Idaho mule deer antler & sterling silver]

Between all the other work I’ve been doing this week, I finished a few medicine pouches.  They’re really such lovely little things…


I have a mountain of partially completed projects out in the studio — I’m hoping to finish a few up this afternoon.  I just can’t seem to get a full day of work that is free from distraction or the duty of errand running!  I hope you all had a wonderful week.  I can’t believe it’s already Friday again.  I’m in a time warp.

Also, how beautiful is this?


  1. I too am in a time warp…I have decided to lay it all in front of me and remove the time factor….the medicine pouch is lovely looking…the film is awesome…I had to gasp…go do some errands, that is what I would love to do…xx

    • “I have decided to lay it all in front of me and remove the time factor…”


      I keep getting up earlier and going to bed later but I STILL can’t seem to catch up on life…

  2. Thank you for posting that gorgeous film!

  3. thank you for sharing the breathtaking movie. I am moved and overwhelmed every day (almost to heart bursting) by the mysteries of the mountains. We (me and husband) laugh about my affair with the mountains.

    the pouches look like butter to the touch. I have tanned hides and know they can feel like that. SOOO beautiful Jillian.


    • Oh yes. This was really lovely deer hide. Buttery in some areas and thicker in others…really nice.

      Gosh…I know what you mean by mystery of the mountains…I didn’t think I would ever be a mountain momma…but I’m turning into one. Thanks for being here, Ker. X

  4. I love the medicine pouch and the honoring the remains necklace…so wonderful the way you weave elements together!! Oh, and I adore the Banff film festival- I’m off to find out when it’s showing in my town.