[Root Ring: sterling & Manassa turquoise]

[Glitz Ring: sterling & chrysocolla]

[FlutteRing: sterling][Babe on the Rock Ring: sterling & Methow River rock]

 Random news:

*I’ve been reading some truly wonderful books lately.  For example:  Dancing at the Rascal Fair, Where Rivers Change Direction, Stranger in a Strange Land,  The Anthropology of Turquoise (again),  A Cry Like A Bell, Tiny Beautiful Things, The Deerslayer — I’ve liked or loved them all which is why I mention them here.

*I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what it means to be tender of heart.  I’m going to write about it, soon enough, when everything is well filtered and perfectly clear to me.  I’m looking forward to it.

*This morning I whipped up a smoothie (or a “smoo smoo” which is what we call the silly things around here) that was especially springy and sprightly tasting.  It contained:  a dash of pomegranate juice, a handful of raspberries, three handfuls of baby kale, pineapple clumps, half a cucumber and a squiggle of vanilla yogurt.  Earthy yumzing.

*Later today I’ll have an Airstream progress shot for you.  That Robert of mine, such a talent…you would never guess that this is his very first cabinetry project and fine wood working project ever.  He astounds.  I’m so glad we chose walnut.  It’s some of the most gorgeous, effervescent wood I’ve ever seen.

*I know I posted one of her music videos the other week, but Lindi Ortega has me all tied up in knots of adoration.  That voice!  It’s like Dolly Parton nouveau!  And we love Dolly around here, very much.

*Lastly, something to look forward to:  I’m going to post a little giveaway for all you lovers of natural history a little later in the day — a little gift from me, Idaho and a sweet little mule deer buck.  Stay tuned.

Scratch that.  I’m all out of time.  I’ll do it when I’m home again.  Toodaloo!