
For being a committed landlubber, I surely do thrive on the moments I spend at the sea.  The interior west and the northwest coast are vastly different places, but I see similarities in the smaller building blocks that make the whole of these places.  I find myself mentally and visually connecting the textures, forms and feels of both regions and am astounded, time and time again, by the harmony between here and there.  There’s cohesion in the way the earth grows and wears away, thins and thickens with the help of the sun, wind and water.  There’s unity in the textures and forms of the jungles and forests.  The sea is like the desert and the desert is like the sea.  This earth is so weirdly wild.  I love it.  I really love it.  I find myself telling it so, when I am out in the glorious grip of the wild places.  I look up at the sky and the sun and the trees and I hear the mountain water rolling and I say, “Creation, I love you.  I love you more and more, every day.”  And then the wind wraps its arms around me and carries me away like a seed.


I am just home from the isles of the Puget Sound where it snowed, sleeted, sun-shined, blustered, gusted and was generally springtimey lion and lamb weather.  As I drove over Agate Passage, on my way to a ferry ride towards home, I couldn’t help but cry.  I deeply cherished the time I had with friends on this trip.  I held their babies close, read books to my favorite pseudo-nephew, loved on their pets and noticed the progress of their houseplants, laughed a lot, slept too little, and drank so much excellent coffee!  It is the Seattle area, after all, and I tend to overindulge in caffeinated beverages while visiting.  It was a lonesome and gnarly trip home across Washington, Oregon and Idaho with highway smash ups and wintry weather causing delays in some of the mountain passes.  It was made even lonesome-er knowing that I was returning home to a cold bed, a fridge festering with expired foods, and the full weight of household duties since my main squeeze is away on an early-season work detail in Arkansas.

Regardless, as captain of this little ship, I’m running things as tightly as I can and have more than enough work to keep me busy!


Happy springtime to you!  I risk repeating myself, but it’s incredible how quickly this winter galloped past.  In a month and a half, we’ll be making our move to the summer home, cramming all we can into the Airstream and heading northwest on the glorious highways and byways for a new season of life.  I don’t feel ready for the transition, but there’s still a little time left to prepare my home and my heart.  I’ll be busy as a honey bee in a field of canola until we go!  The month of April holds an Artwalk appearance for me here in our quaint little town (preparing for it will be an act of wild desperation — and yet, I’m excited), a trip to the Chicago area (my favorite big American city), two shed hunting trips to the Idaho side of the Tetons and seeing as much of our beloved friends here as possible, before we all part ways for the fire season.

Buckle up, buttercups.  We’re all set to zoom.

I hope you are well wherever you are.  Thanks for being here today, and always.



  1. welcome home, sweet selkie!!
    did you find my giant squid??

    zoomzoom!….get ready for that artwalk appearance!

    * love *

    [p.s. i love to see the spoon-footed mandog playing in the waves….he is probably also saying “creation, i love you!”]

  2. NO!
    Thank God.
    I did not find the giant squid.
    HA HA HA!

    Tater Tot totally loves creation. He lives to have his nose buried in it. 🙂

  3. Simone Turner says

    Hey lady plume welcome back! Do you have or will you more info on your art walk showing? I have never been to Boise, and this would be the perfect chance to take a little trip, and see Boise and view your wonderful work up close! And perhaps purchase! Yay! Ok, keep us posted! Again welcome back! S

    • Yeah! Sure! It’s April 5th from…5ish-8ish (I think…I should find out the official time frame). I don’t know what kind of inventory I’ll have for the show so don’t break the bank to fly into the glorious Tater Nation. 🙂 That said, it sure would be a delight to meet you!

      • Simone Turner says

        OMGosh, how exciting! Like I say I have never been to Boise/Pocatello, and what a perfect reason to go now! No worries about inventory lady, it will happen as it is suppose too. I can remember the very first time hearing your voice, it was a video you made about your adventure to montana? for a show you were invited to,and what a disaster it turned out to be! I felt so much for you and cried right along with you. But this one will be different… more relaxed, no worries. Right? Right! I am making plans as i write to you, and so looking forward to meeting you, you are so talented and such an inspiration. It amazes me how you do it all!! And with such style and grace! Keep up the good work, looking forward to the meeting you too, and seeing your beautiful handy work in person! S.

        • Simone!!! I will be glad to see you at Pocatello Artwalk! Anyone who wants to come is more than welcome but please keep in mind it’s a modest affair!!! 🙂 If you can’t make it to the one on April 5th, I’ll be Artwalking again on May 3rd, right before we depart for Winthrop, and I’ll be sharing a space with a dear, beautiful and talented leather working friend of mine.

          Come one and come all!!!

  4. Jillian, when is the Artwalk? I’d like to come!

  5. Hey sweet traveler, I hope you are well.
    Chicago, you say? Might I ask when?

  6. Im freaking out over the color of the sea detritus you found!!! So red and colorful, such amazing specimens!!! Sounds like a wonderful trip, I can’t wait to set my sights on the PNW again sometime soon.

  7. Love your blog. Magical creations emerging from your studio. Tater. Very cute name. My sister has a GPS named Greta. Another friend named his after a colleague – Rolland. Rolland (the colleague) returned the favour by naming his GPS Ralph.

  8. red things from the sea make me surprisingly happy, especially when they trail ribbons of color behind them or trace delicate lines across the back of one’s hand. i agree that there is a likeness between desert and sea– it’s just that sea creatures are soft and voluptuous while the desert creatures are hard and wizened. it’s lovely to see you living so fully and lovely that you share that fullness with us!

    • I just wish they would NEVER dry out! I pressed seaweed on this trip and boy, when it dries up, it’s a fraction of its original size and so delicate…I think sea creatures look a bit like desert creatures when you take them out of the water.

      Water gives fins, tendrils, and other such things such volume. Don’t you think? I like to pretend I have mermaid hair when I am in the bath but when I sit up in the water, I look like a drowned cat. Know what I mean?

  9. i think you and i may be opposites, but the same. i am surely a forever island girl, but i do love my time in the desert, the sagebrush, the inland wilds. and wow, yes the winter has gone fast. hope you get the time to do all you need, before your trip west again.

  10. Beautifulness!

  11. Goodness! I can’t believe how soon you will be leaving again! I’ve never been to the west coast, but hope to see it one day. I’m an east coast girl, here in Providence. As much as I love the interior west, I think I would have a very hard time not being near the sea.
    Beautiful pictures, and glad you made it home safely!

  12. Say it isn’t so–where does the time go!?
    so happy you’ll be visiting my home town!! good golly, I would love cross paths with you outside the blogosphere, but I’m sure your time in Chicago will be filled to the brim!

    here’s to happy and safe ventures had and to have!
    much love

  13. Glad you had a great time out by sea. Love that quaint little town, good ol’ Pokey! Good luck with ArtWalk. Miss those first Fridays…and Revive at 5 during the warm months. 🙂

  14. Yippee!! You made it to the sea 🙂 Good luck with the artwalk!!

  15. The up-coming Airstream adventure is going to be amazing! I’m going to be vicariously living it through the blog :)I’m also the opposite, but the same – I am a waterfront dweller, island girl, seashore adorer – yet I love anywhere with lots of nature, deep forests, wide open plains, the countryside fields. (And if there is a lake or s astream in there somewhere, even better 😉 )

  16. That Puget Sound has such unique qualities, doesn’t it?
    Sounds like a fine time holding babes and kicking around on the seashore, gab sessions
    over good coffee and loving life.
    As you load up Maple with your favorite things, prepare for treks to Chi Town and antler country, don’t forget Don Williams is waiting for you!

  17. Oh Mrs, you are the most magnificent wearer of wellington boots (wellies) I’ve even seen.

    And this leaves me hungering for the ocean, but not any, the stretch I grew up beside – all dark and blue and bright and broody of it.

    Love to you and all this adventuring xx

    • Hey Windy,
      Always love to see you here.
      The Puget Sound is usually dark and brooding! In my personal experience. The day I took these images there was a 30mph wind but the sun was shining and it was beautiful. I had to work hard to keep my cap on my head though!


  18. My little slice of earth sits in the high desert… and yet we have a lot of water (and seagulls!) So every now and then, when the winds and pressure and moisture levels are just right, I step out on my deck and could swear the ocean is just over yonder… right over that slight hill. The smells and feel are magical. It makes me yearn to dig my toes into the cold wet sands of the wild Oregon coast.

    On another note… I’m so in love with that FlutteRing in the previous post – I’ve come back to it daily, sometimes twice 🙂

  19. There is a little corner of my heart that was missing you 🙂
    I love seeing you’ve been by the sea!!! (by the ocean really :))


  20. Erin Casserly says

    A trip to Chicago, you say? Any chance of meeting for a cup of tea?!

  21. Sigh. Think I also have a sweet crush on your dog. My boys have crushes on our dogs, which makes me love my boys all the more, but I am such a romantic when it comes to a person & her/his hound. undeniable bond. what a lovely space filled with spectacular words. nurtures my inspiration.xo