Another Sketch

[Sketching Spring Necklace :: sterling silver, 23 karat gold, copper & enamel]

Have I told you about how much fun it is to make the flower skeleton elements for these pieces?  The vision behind the flower bones is that beautiful, loose, sketchy look of charcoal on heavy art paper.  Know what I mean?  Anyway, I keep the structure of them and the fabrication of them as loose and easy as possible so that they almost look like real charcoal drawings, at least, in my minds eye they do.  A few days ago, I made a flower skeleton that turned out a touch too perfect looking.  I took it all apart and loosened the lines up a little to give it that “raggedy-end-of-winter-bristled-by-breeze-backcombed-sun-bleached-and-trampled-by-deer” look I was going for.  This necklace was a whim and it turned out better than expected.  I am charmed.  Again, there’s the lovely contrast of warm and cool colors here paired with a sort of lightness of being in the elements that build it.  This piece is a tunnel for a warm breeze, a thin cluster of thicket that allows wind sail and storm careen, the bony dust of last summer clinging to the riffles of the rocks, moon glow and aspen groan.

I’m thinking about keeping it for myself.  I haven’t kept a necklace in a good long while.


  1. Yes, keep it! It’s amazing! I love these floral skeletons.

  2. i do know the loose, sketchy look.
    you achieved it.
    the beauty is in the simplicity.
    most beautiful things are.
    and i agree– you should keep it.
    a good long while is long enough to go without.

  3. this is so *you*….so you must keep it for yourself.


  4. The raggedy beautiful skeleton petals in colors of spring.
    Will you model it for us?
    Maybe you’ll want to wear while riding your bike?

  5. Simone Turner says

    Lady Plume, I gasped when I saw this…LOVE it! Keeper!!

  6. Oh, sublime!

  7. Treasure it. It’s beautiful! I wish your blog were a book I could take on holiday with me. We are going to the Wild Coast (South Africa) where there are no coms …. and “rural seclusion” …. and time to savour such a book about nature and creativity.

  8. ~a silent one i have been for quite some time but alas i could not not speak anymore…sigh…years ago my love {a welder} made me little flowers from metal similar to yours above…he said these will never die but linger always…

    you captured the delicateness of spring within this piece beautifully…much love light and blessings~

  9. Thank you for your poem, today. I’m going to link to it on my own blog. It just seems so perfectly matched to what I want to say, myself. Lovely.