There was that good night on that fine day when the wind was warmer than it had been in a long while and I watched the sun down from shallow grass on the edge of the mountain. Β The clouds spooled yellow, pink, dust purple and there was the emergence of all the tiny beginnings of new things.


  1. That night was here, too. Spent hiking and listening to spring peepers and kissing in the woods. Soft awakenings and joyful endurance.

  2. You must be one lucky girl to be living so close to those mountains and forests.
    Somehow I ended up living in a city, but the countryside is always in my dreams. Someday I’ll have a small cottage to call my own, there in the armpit of mother nature.
    I have to confess that your blog is my alltime favourite. I love the delicate and tender way of your writing. And yes those breathtaking pictures of yours aswell.

    • I am lucky.
      I am.

      I hope you get your cottage! Everyone needs a quiet little space in the “armpit” of nature. πŸ™‚ Love that.

      I’m so glad to have you here.

  3. you just look so happy and peaceful and full of love lately….
    ….just sayin’….

    • Everything is awesome right now.
      And if it isn’t, I know it’s going to be.
      Rob’s early season work has taken a HEAP of pressure off of me in the studio, too. I feel very free at the moment…free and able to work at a reasonable pace, on a daily basis. I love it when I hit these steady times. Feels so good to cruise. AND, I have some wonderful irons in the fire that I’m really excited about. πŸ™‚ Thanks for noticing my state of mind…love it when peace makes its way out of my heart and onto my surfaces.


  4. incredibly lovely…
    soft and delicate yet strong and grounded.
    just in from a morning walk which turned from sunny and breezy to a moody sky with total cloud cover and biting wind. spring is toying with us over here. my solar-powered self needs a good recharge!
    wishing you a happy and productive day!

  5. The third shot is spectacular πŸ™‚


  6. That last photo of you is gorgeous!!
    Living in the city, I don’t often get to enjoy nature (unlike my years from birth to 30). It is the biggest thing in my life that needs to change. HOWEVER, I am very blessed that my parents live on the edges of a farm, and I do get there weekly to soak it all in.
    This past week we went twice to enjoy the lovely spring days. I made my kids stay outside until dinner. Then, when they were ensconced within, playing with their grandparents, I slipped out to watch the sun go down over the cow pasture. It was a gift (twice!), and something I’m going to make a priority until we get to move away from this city.
    Lovely, lovely pictures!

  7. yup
    all of it

    love and light
    happy earth day friend!

  8. Idaho and last years grass looks good on you. x

  9. Dreamy shots.

  10. looking at these shots of you looking so happy, makes me feel happy….

  11. of the field and wind and sky are u – eyes of mountain and hair of wheat. it is good to know you will write some tales for us and share in the good and other ways a day can be. I’m out here on the windy coast, watching the tide and wind bring the news. the sage I got from your etsy store is here by my trusty laptop, smelling like a whole lot of wonderful!

  12. You beauty… I love your words + images always.