Pondi Pines

[Pondi Pine Earrings :: sterling silver & copper]

This is a little series I began working on, on paper, last summer and have just been getting around to fabricating this past week.  The forms are directly modeled after jigsaw pieces of ponderosa pine bark.  It’s magical stuff.  No two pieces are exactly alike and they are tremendously abstract in form, which I love!  Here’s what I do.  While I am out woodsing here, I keep an eye out for interesting jigsaw pieces beneath the trees.  If I find one I love, I bring it home, make a paper template with it, and then design around the form.  These earrings have, so far, turned out to be wildly modern and organic looking, like ink blots or splats of rumpled texture against the neck.  Terrifically bold.  Perhaps a little savage.  I’ve crafted these from copper and sterling and hope to finish a few other sets this weekend in sterling and gold.

I feel everything I have made lately has had a sort of mad, wild elegance to it.  A sure sign that though life is a bit disjunct here at the moment, I’m still managing to find a honest and lovely momentum in the studio which makes me feel so grateful and centered, even when the world feels like it’s whirling out of control.


  1. {gasp!} these are so lovely.

  2. Hard, soft, flowing and sturdy- just like a Pondi it seems. Love them!!

  3. As always, a thing of beauty. I agree with you, by the way; it seems like the last few months of your work has been a little bit wilder than the previous few months’ worth, a little less symmetrical, but at the same time your work has just been very… lyrical. Earrings as a song about trees, or what we see, or anything at all.

    Love that final shot of the earrings lined up with the bark. Beautiful.

  4. these are just stunning – love those organic shapes!

  5. Catherine Chandler says

    You are majestic.
    Just as your work is.
    Just as the pines are.

  6. These are so beautiful, I love your process behind them as well

  7. Oh, those are beautiful!! Sister and I used to make fairy houses out of ponderosa bark pieces when we went camping. 🙂

  8. Just love your lovely work and beautiful photo’s!
    These are so gorgeous!

    Good luck!