What kind of gal are you?

The kind who dips a toe to test the temperature or the sort to leap right in?

I’m actually the sort to leap right in, leave terra firma joyfully and take to the water like the glimmering trout I am. ย On this day, for the sake of a pretty photo series, I put a toe in before I allowed myself the glory of full baptism in mountain water. ย Ooh heavens, it was fresh.

You know, it doesn’t really matter how you do it, just as long as you get in and paddle like heck.


  1. Oh I need to get into water so badly. My summers growing up were full of swimming and I cannot remember the last time I swam.

  2. Oh normally ( if talking of life in general) I would say that I’m most definitely the leap right in kind of girl. But,.. talking of water I hesitate. I don’t know what kind I am. It’s not the fear of cold nor dislike of wetness. I do not fear water. I have what I call a deep respect for its beauty and power, in good and in frightfull. Plus in my case it’s also about the knowledge of my limited swimming tecnique.

    You look like a beautiful thing out of a fairytale, like a spirit of the water.

  3. I’m a toe-dipper, but my goal is to be one who jumps right in! But I can’t bring myself to do it that way, heh. I always find myself testing the waters first, and then once I’m in I can’t figure out why I ever hesitated.

  4. I’m a bit of both. All depending upon my mood ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. I’m a leaper. Sometimes I’m afraid that if I test the water first, I might chicken out and never get in, so I just leap! It has been far too long since I’ve swam in a lake.

  6. I am not only a toe dipper, but I would have to plan ahead my whole approach! But I don’t give up until I am fully submerged and floating on my back with the joy of it all!

  7. Such beautiful images, I’m definitely a dive right in kinda gal

  8. I am a slow-enter-er, but once I get in the water, I don’t ever want to get out!

  9. Watch out! Cannon ball!
    River otter antics, too.
    This series is lovely and so refreshing. Lucky little troutgirl.

  10. i’m not a water girl. but i do like to fish.

    i love that you swim with your jewels on your hand.


  11. Right on ‘as long as you get in and paddle like heck’!
    May I remember this when I am hesitating to leap/step into life/water. ๐Ÿ˜€

  12. I dip my toe in then stay in the water till I’m right pruney. I had children hanging all over me just yesterday at the local pool and one said I was like an Olympian swimmer when I stretched out and swam- so sweet!! So, yes I dip my toes- cautious by nature- but once I’m in I revel in the water like a regular dolphin. ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. So… in life, I’m a mixture, I guess. With water – I sit on the shore! Fear it greatly – had a near drowning experience as a child and never got over it, unfortunately. That and the fact that for some odd reason, if I do finally venture into the water I am convinced there are sharks there, even if I’m in a POOL! Its crazy – my imagination just goes wild!

  14. I am an “old” gal (can we say that in english?) so the water must be hot and hot and hot…i am not a toe tester at all ๐Ÿ˜‰

    A bientรดt

  15. Ha ha…I think I usually jump right in.

    Once in the cascades when I was hiking alone I went for a swim in a lake…I had seen marks of bears around in the bushes..the whole time swimming I was imagining a bear encounter, wondering how to deal with it : ) The icy cold was matched by the outside heat and my imagination…

    Glad you dipped your toes in because it did make a great picture : )


  16. Cannonball, totally ๐Ÿ˜‰ Lovely pictures you! xx

  17. I follow high tide.
    For the sole purpose of diving in.
    I like to fly before I become liquid.
    I like to submerge. To float. To dive down deep into the realm of mermaidens and mermen.


  18. First of all, these series is beautiful… I leap in… my father always enjoyed the water so much he would go head first into it and I think he may have influenced me ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. LOVE these responses.
    All of them.