I’ve hiked up to the lookout tonight where I have a splendid view of the Sawtooths roiling and heaving like stone sharks.    There was a thunderstorm this afternoon with a delicious deluge of rain and wind that wiped all the dust away.  There is a new fire burning two peaks south of my mountain.  I watched the jumpship fly over with boys and cargo, pressed two fingers to my lips, pressed my fingers to the sky and spoke, “Be safe, my friends.”  I’m watching the fire burn.  The column looks pretty from up here.  Almost anything can be pretty, from a distance.  The smoke is pouring up and drifting west up a series of valleys and draws, dulling the sunset to pinks and oranges.  The air smells exquisite after the rain, wild and good, medicinal.  I’m watching the clouds.  I feel simple and easy tonight.  Happy and sound.  The wind is in my hair.  The last light of day is on my skin.

I’ve brought a thermos of peppermint tea.  The wind is cool and I pull a sweater from my pack.  I make a little nest and sit down to write for a while.  I wish the sun would move slower.  I wish my pen would move faster.  I wish Tater Tot would stop barking at chipmunks.  I wish I was sleeping up here tonight.  I don’t want to go down to the dark of the forest. I want to be here with the wind and stars.


  1. the light looks good on you.

    and that bentback ear, must be a doggie trend. zig wears his bent back all the time.

  2. Soooo beautiful, I want to be up there too!

  3. You’ll have to bring yourself a tent and sleeping bag next time!

  4. ahhhhh…
    i’ve been forgetting to exhale.
    thanks for the reminder.

  5. Beautiful. We spent an evening at the ocean this week, had a picnic dinner, flew a kite, and watched the sun go down. We needed it! We stayed til they kicked us out at full dark (it was a state park). I would have loved to stay the night.

  6. so lovely – thank you so much for sharing all of this…

  7. Magic… pure and utter breathtaking magic…

  8. your landscapes are breathtaking!
    stone sharks…

  9. Such amazing scenery – and you are right, almost anything can look beautiful from a distance.
    I love your Picture Jasper Rings!

  10. Your photos are so beautiful. I was sitting at my computer, scrolling through blogs, and chatting to Jason about our plans for the day. And then I pulled up this post and just… fell silent. And finally Jason asked me why I had stopped talking, and I couldn’t even think of how to reply. I just told him to come over and look with me.

    I love when I see your posts first thing. They start me in such a peaceful place.

  11. What a view!! Even though a fire rages on in those mountains, it is just deliriously beautiful up there. Thank you for sharing it with us. 🙂 xo

  12. swoonarific.

  13. Morning chickadees!
    Thanks for being here, for joining me on my smoky mountaintop, for being in my world.

    I’m looking out at the farmer’s market as I type this and I’m trying to decide if I am going to buy a truckload of beets or not…

    Hope you all have a beautiful weekend.

  14. This makes my heart long to go for a hike… I’m sure my puppers would be ever so enthusiastic to romp on the mountain.

  15. The last rays of sun fall beautifully on your head…I too would have wanted to be up there, on the mountain top xoxo

  16. The moment I saw the first picture I turned my laptop to face my husband and urged him to look. I told him I miss the layers. I wish to go back north.

    I love your rings from the previous post. You are spot on right-such a beautiful reminder of my much missed Idaho.

  17. Beautiful, beautiful images, I hope the fire isn’t too near the cabin and that you are remaining safe. That last image of the sunset, oh the colours are just divine

  18. I didn’t know such beauty existed in the USA. Reading your blog, I have some ideas about what I want my life to be like when I get out of my current indentured servitude.

  19. Breathtaking sunset – just WOW!!! Wish I was there too!

  20. That boy of yours Tate is turning out to be a proper grown up hunting dog by the looks of it. Beautiful picture of the mountain ranges!

  21. Thanks for the orange-lit glances. Soul-balm.