Go out…

Go out weary and empty.  Return strong and full.


  1. a prayer unto itself.
    and to this i say: amen.


  2. Beautiful pictures! Glad you returned safely and had an uplifting time! Have you heard of MaryJane Butters? You remind me of her in her younger days – fascinating woman!! Her books are great. She’s led an incredible life.

  3. Atta girl.

    X O X O

  5. I wish we could sit down over a cup of coffee and chat. You’re pictures are breathtaking and crisp.

  6. AMAZING photos, thanks for the message..

  7. Love this pics series!!! i want to take my bag and go away!!


  8. so gorgeous – love, love images five & six!

  9. LOVE!!

  10. recharging…been doing some of that myself here on the east coast.

  11. Ah, so much beauty!! I love how adventuresome and free you are!! Inspiring. 🙂

  12. Hiking up to the sky! The perfect remedy for cabin fever.
    You look lovely up there, and feelin’ so right. X

  13. Ah, just what I need. To have a solo backpack excursion. I yearn to walk and walk and walk these days. Just be in the wild places and not come back until my spirit is drunk with the fullness of it all. thank you for sharing it with me.. until I can get out for longer than a day.
    xoxo Kerry

  14. Gorgeous photos. Thank you for the reminder….

  15. You live in such an amazing place, Jillian.
    I so wanna visit someday.

  16. Beautiful photos! So crisp…. Not something I typically ask on here, but where did you get your plaid shirt? The colors are so vibrant!

  17. oh my. travelling light.
    we camped with the girls a few weeks ago for a weekend.
    and tonight i am doing a one night on my own with them and 2 girlfriends.
    travelling with kids seems to be anything but travelling light.
    our hearts are light… but our packs are not 🙂


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