Lift Me

i fell in love with a mountain, filled my belly with its baby stones, fir trees growing from the pulse points at the thinness of my wrists

the gorgeous groans of upheaval, granite rising to meet one million gibbous moons hanging ropes of golden hope in one million sacred night skies

the rush of water in my veins remembers the crush and creep of glaciers (i tread gently on the ice and know the moraines by name), the twisting green key of spring that comes early or late, depending on the year

oh, i fell hard for a mountain

felt myself divide and divide again into rusted pinnacles cut by wind and flame

anchored myself in the rolling shift of tallus slopes, held in the quaint jaws of the marmot, healed by yarrow and the prickle of wild raspberry (none can tame it)

and my faded heart, my human heart, my delicate wooden heart

my heart turned igneous, pure white batholith, heavy as snow, sinking and floating on currents of dirt

each step i take i morph to stone, the teeth of the wind turn me to dust, i lay at the feet of the thing i love, am held by that high place set against a boundary of blue sky

i become nothing, i become changed, i am easily lifted up

i find the mountain loves me back


  1. My Goddess, that is utterly beautiful. Such rich words.

  2. Gorgeous.

  3. Wonderful read you Jillian

  4. You are a gift to my eyes and ears and heart. I love the mountains like that; I have from the minute I met one. Thank you for the gift you give the world, Jillian.

  5. It seems no matter where you go, it always loves you back.
    Probly cuz yer so darn lovable.
    Beautiful words, mountain mama.

  6. You just lifted beauty into a new level. 🙂 Amazing, your words and this picture.

  7. such poetry, such a mountain song in which to become enveloped….

  8. Perfect. Exactly perfect.

  9. And in turn, I fall in love with your mountains and stones and landscape and views. So, so beautiful.

  10. officially slayed…

  11. this photo and these words are so so so lovely. thank you.

  12. i basically would like to be you one day, even just a little bit. amazing read.