Backcountry Tea Bag Advice

While in the Sawtooth Range of Idaho, at the end of a long day of walking and fishing, my sweat had cooled on my skin and clothes and I was taking on a chill. I sat down on the edge of the lake I was camping beside, put on my down jacket and set up my stove to make a pot of hot water for tea. I carefully tore open my tea packet, looked down at the little paper label stapled to the tea bag string, read the word there, laughed and spoke aloud to myself, to God, to the lake, to the stones, to the wind, to the coming stars and thin crescent moon, to the dogs who were sitting by my side, to all the night peepers and wolves and wild ones, “Well. Doesn’t that beat all?


  1. Oh, how magnificently magnificent!

  2. I love it when things like that happen! 🙂

  3. and then….God, the lake, the trees, the wind, the stones, the coming nightsky, the peepers, and the dogs all said: life is so good. so very very good.

  4. parfait!

  5. Ahh-Maze-ing!!! So spectacular. I’d be smiling just being surrounded by such beauty, but it is nice to have a little reminder once in a while.

  6. O sweet woman; you bring a smile to my face. I love the new header with your sassy self. Beauty all the way.


  7. The connectedness! It all goes hand in hand, doesn’t it?
    What a magical place to *smile*. x

  8. so breathtakingly beautiful! oh, the wonders on this planet!
    and yes, the reminder to smile– so important. i smile today because i’m alive and i’m HOME– so much to be grateful for!!

  9. Just so knock your socks off gorgeous where you have been!!

  10. Amazing…