From The Road:

I’m just home from a ten day blitz through Idaho.  As I drove, I often found myself singing that wonderful old Johnny Cash song to myself, “I’ve been everywhere, man…”  It was lovely to be in my home state.  I began in Boise where my younger sister and I spent an evening hanging out with Willie Nelson.  Before I left the city, I bought a dress, some truly scrumptious kombucha and hopped up the highway up to McCall — a fire town nestled on the ever picturesque shores of Lake Payette.  There I stayed with a fire wife friend of mine, helped take care of her wee ones while she got out of the house for a short while…we are nearing the end of the fire season now and everyone is tired, myself included, but to be perfectly fair, I think it’s different when you have a couple of babies and your man is out jumping fire.  That’s a real game changer.  To all the fire wives out there who are raising families solo half the year, you have my utmost respect.  Hang in there, gals.  The winter is coming.

From McCall I cruised over to the Sawtooths for a few days of sweating and sunning in the backcountry, and a bit of hotspringing, naturally!  After the Sawtooths, I sprinted down to our home in Pocatello where my friend let me crash on my parlor floor (it’s a strange experience, being a guest in your very own house, but I didn’t resent it, not at all).  I went utterly berserkers at the farmers market in Pocatello, so rattled was I by the shockingly low prices for organic garden grown produce in my home state I bought more than a bushel of tomatoes, a double-dozen bell peppers, sweet corn, onions and then I lost my mind canning in my very own kitchen on a four burner gas range.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!!  I just sang that aloud in my opera falsetto.  I ate a few brilliant peaches from my very own peach tree in the backyard — my mouth is watering as I recall those peaches, there’s no peach like your own home grown peach.  I picked plums and canned some plum jam.  I showed my friend how to make grape nectar with the grapes from our five ancient, fruit producing grapevines that line the fence of our jungle yard.  I ate raspberries from my raspberry patch.  Our yard at the Idaho house is incredible, it was wonderful to travel home while it was at it’s peak of fruit production.


It was a great trip.

 I saw pronghorn, a perfect blaze orange harvest moon, a handful of perfect trout, so many of my Pocatello girlfriends (miss you, you beautiful, strong ladies), effervescent constellations pivoting the night sky, many a spectacular sunset, thunderheads criss-crossing the interior, forest fire smoke, the milky white of the South Payette River cutting away at the flanks of the Sawtooths, grouse, aspen on the edge of yellow, a dipper!   I saw a dipper doing its diving work in an outlet creek while in the Sawtooths!  My first one ever!  What a cutie.  I was everywhere, man.  I saw it all.  I felt it all.  And now it’s good to be back.  I hope you’ve all been better than well.



  1. okay, that sunset picture made me go, OH COME ONNNNNN! & shook my head in the spectacular spectacular-ness of it all. it’s soul filling to be on the road. i was this close to popping in on you when we were up in washington tooling around the rainier forests. *THIS CLOSE* but the heat (oh lordy, i can’t do that heat) & the fact that popping in on you might be a tiny bit rude, i went ahead & talked the mister & grey ghost out of it. but next summer missy, you be on the lookout.

  2. It makes me happy to see this lovely post from you 🙂

    I’ve actually been thinking of you lately and wondering when you and Rob would get to wander home.

    Your fruit adventures sound amazing. I’ve been basking in tomatoes lately.

    Have a splendid weekend!

  3. Missed ya, glad to see you here. More than glad that you had a beautiful time.

  4. How fabulous to get to be in your summer garden!! It must be terribly hard to be away from it at its best. Enjoy the last of your forest days in your little glen! Being a northeast gal, I always feel most at home in your summer forest pictures. But I imagine, being a Saskatchewan (did I spell that right?) girl, you are most at home in Big Sky country.

  5. i miss idaho: she looks so good on you.
    i miss you….

  6. AWWWW!!! LOVE!

  7. I always let out a little sigh when you are back.

    Did you know that I check your blog almost every day? I’m your stalker!

    Miss you.

  8. Its all just…perfect.

  9. How awesome! Your yard sounds spectacular. I loved the Pokey Farmers Market when I lived there. September/October was my favorite time to go-so many pumpkins, squash, potatoes (of course!)and huckleberries. I can’t complain though, I’ve found a bang up Farmers Market in Austin.

  10. Yay – you saw a Dipper in action. I just love Dipper’s, and make it a point to seek them out whenever I’m back “home” in Victoria!

  11. Everything about this post is just peachy!! I know, I know, I can’t help it, I’m laid up with a bad ankle. 🙂