A Handful Of Quiet Beauty


Just some easy, quiet beauty to carry you through the rest of the weekend.


  1. that is a whole lot of loveliness– thank you!
    you really got me with the horse feathers!

  2. Ohmigod. FURRY HOOVES!!!
    You steal my heart away, darling.

  3. ohhhh…no one shares beauty like YOU.
    i am going to make myself a cup of jasmine tea now
    and “bathe” in this beauty
    for a while
    before heading out into the autumn sun..

    ps: guess who has the most pretty hare card on her wall : )

  4. What beautiful colours and moments to start the day…..thank u!!

  5. just beautiful

  6. I love seeing the beauty that you post.

  7. This just took my breath away- calm, quiet beauty- thank you!!

  8. GET OUT!! You, in photo five.
    I’ve never seen you look more radiant. And content.
    You’re right. I’m good for awhile with these images.
    All of them tell a story. Oh, this beautiful world.
    Just in time.

  9. My eyes just dined on a delicious and delicate breakfast.

  10. Gosh! I love how you see our beautiful world.

  11. You are so lovely in that photo! I want to live in that pine forest SO bad! Over here, we’re dreaming of and planning for Maine.
    Thank you for those bits of beauty.

  12. Lovely. Thank you. Love that shot of the whiskers around the horse’s hoof 🙂

  13. funny: i was just thinking about rhubarb.

    that kitchen shot gave me such a laugh. everything all stacked up.

    love that ring. i hope it is YOURS. it looks like YOU. on your hand. so very quite YOU.

  14. Thanks, I needed that. : )

  15. I hold a handful of beauty ever time I clutch your earrings before hanging them from my lobes… never tire of seeing through your lens, lovely plume xx

  16. Just took a deep breath. Beautiful. Thank. You.

  17. I read this post yesterday.

    I tweeted “Craving a vibrance of color”

    I read this post this morning.

    I still feel the same…. thank you!

  18. it is in this quiet I find my language,my song, my truth, my knowing
    it is in this quiet I find my home

    love your soul my sister of the earth

    love and light

  19. Oh my GOSH those hooooooves!

    Hearts. All my hearts.

  20. Thanks to you all for being here! X