2013 Christmas Tree Photo Contest — Official Call for Images

We took a break from offering this contest in 2012.  This year, we are glad to host it again!  Here are the details.

The Christmas Tree Photo Contest, here on The Noisy Plume, is all about you.  Your job, should you choose to participate, is to simply send me a photograph with a Christmas tree.

Here are the rules:

1.  Your photograph must have a Christmas tree in it.

2.  Anything else can be in the photo — your kid, your dog, your cat, your car, a herd of horses.  It doesn’t matter!  As LONG AS THERE IS A CHRISTMAS TREE IN YOUR PHOTOGRAPH.

3.  Your photograph does not have to be taken in your home.  Past entries have included trees in yards, trees in town squares, trees in forests, etc.  Get creative!  We love it when you do.

4.  This is not a contest strictly for professional photographers, it’s for EVERYONE.  Don’t be self-conscious about your photo.  Take it with a merry heart and send it in.  We want your picture!


IMPORTANT additional details:

1.  Please email your entry to: thenoisyplume@gmail.com

2. Please put CHRISTMAS TREE PHOTO CONTEST in the subject line of your email.

3.  Please format your image file as a jpeg with a maximum dimension of 1000px.  If you zip us an image that is itty bitty teeny weenie we will not be able to include it in the contest.  We apologize.

4.  Please include a name for your photograph, your own first name, and where you are located in the world.  Your image must have a name, it is how everyone casts their vote.  If you do not provide a name for your photograph we will dream one up for you.

***Please note that Robert takes on the work preparing this contest for you all!  We receive over 100 entries in this contest and it usually takes Rob three days to build the contest for you.  Keeping the above details in mind while making your entry makes it easier for him to build the contest.***


For those of you who are new to the contest, here is how it works!  We build a huge blog post that contains all the photo entries and everyone gets to place a single vote for their favorite tree.  Yes.  You get to vote even if you do not enter a tree in this contest.  There is a prize for the winner, and it’s a very good prize (I made a necklace this year), but the contest is about coming together in this space as a little community and getting a glimpse into the lives of others during a holiday season.  Photographs come in from all around the world which gives this contest a feeling of unity — I always can feel the breadth and beauty of humanity when I scroll through the images.  It’s a lot of fun.


Please try to be on time with your photo entry, but know that if you are a bit late, we always keep a light on in the window here and will be glad to add your entry regardless.

May the most beloved photograph win!!!




  1. Great picture! I don’t have a Christmas tree this year, but I’ll be thinking of a way to photograph one. Thank you for hosting this little contest. I enjoy looking at everyone’s entries. Merry Christmas!

  2. Love the kinship this contest creates, especially at this time of year. You guys are the best! *with my thinking beanie on*

  3. love that you are doing this again!
    i agree– the unity of our greater worldwide community here is a Christmas delight.
    thanks, J&R!

  4. HAHA! (The pressure….THE PRESSURE!!! What if I send you some caramels…? *nudge nudge*)

  5. good luck to all….may the best tree win….

    LOVE the new banner, btw.


  6. LOVE your new banner photo!!
    I also love this contest! How fun!! You guys are the best!

  7. Thank You for hosting and having this contest! It was my first touch to your blog and that’s one of the reasons I fell in love with it.
    Your own pic is just spectacular! Good luck with all the work for both of you!

  8. How fun! PS-love the new header. 🙂

  9. Yoohoo!
    I love your little furry tailed Christmas lights elf! And your header photo! You’re all too adorable 🙂 XX

  10. SheWolf, the banner is so appropriate for this time of year!
    Tree contest brings us all together for some merry imagination & cheer & joy & surprises!
    Looking forward to the viewing. 🙂

  11. SO EXCITED!!!! This is a highlight of my holiday season. No tree up yet, so I will be creative this year!

  12. Gary E. Mullis says

    Great, I have a number of trees up, excited about entering. How many can one enter? Thanks Gary

  13. We don’t have a Christmas tree and I’m not a photographer, but this contest makes me smile! Can’t wait to see the array of pretty trees…xoxo

  14. So, glad I read your blog today or I may have missed this. I have enter in the past and happy to see it back.

    Our tree may not seem like much, still the kids love it and are happy.

  15. ooh, i love that you’re doing this again. and i have three tree photos…so i’m going to have to do some deciding on which one to submit!

  16. Can I send now???I am from saudi arabia n done with my xmas tree now only.

  17. What a stupendous array of Christmas charm from around the world. Thank you for calling it forth! I am somewhat new to your blog so am delighted to participate in this small way. The photo I LOVE the most is “Island Tree — Ginger — Near H2O”. Humble, meditative, compelling. And it looks like home ~ the Pacific NW.


  1. […] 01. She’s hosting her Christmas Tree photo contest again! Yes! (The Noisy Plume) […]