Southwest Zest

IMG_2827elk good IMG_2846elk good IMG_2858elk good IMG_2867elk good IMG_2879elk good IMG_2883elk goodWe’ve been to Arizona and back again (and San Diego too).  The Southwest had a lot of zest.  In case you are worried by my absence, I am currently taking a full month off from work, I failed to tell you that before disappearing!  Oops.

In point of fact, the most productive thing I accomplished today was the 2 hour long nap I took in the middle of the afternoon.  Yup.  I’m on holiday…souliday…restiday…and I deserve it (so do my thyroid and adrenal glands).  I am beginning to receive some really sweet and concerned emails so I wanted to let you know I’m simply resting and recovering from the general wear and tear of life here, enjoying Rob’s company before he ships out for early season work in the southeast…and I am painting and carefully filling my creative well.  I’ll be back, sooner than later, hopefully with a heap of zest and some bright verve to share.

Until then,



  1. Miss you

  2. How fun! I never worry when bloggers disappear, I miss their posts, but always imagine that they’re having a blast somewhere url. More pics please, when you get back into the mood. These look so lovely and sunshine-y.

  3. The last time I saw lemons growing that big was in Italy! I’m so happy you are taking this time to rest and soak up some warm sun with Robert. You both most certainly deserve it with or without thyroid problems. xx

  4. Oh spring! It looks decadent. Enjoy your down time 🙂

  5. C’est toujours un plaisir de vous lire et d’admirer vos créations et vos photos, mais le principal est de prendre soin de soi et de recharger ses batteries.

  6. Good to see you, always.
    Come back full and glad hearted.

  7. Yay for a month off. I did that last August after a whirlwind of a year. It may seem like a guilty pleasure, but so necessary (and refreshing!). Hope you are squeezing some reading in!

  8. I was wondering what wonderfully wild road trip you were on. Isn’t rest so invigorating to the soul. Rest that beautiful soul dearest Plume and spend slow moments with the one you love.

  9. Enjoy xo

  10. Enjoy the relaxation time…so truly needed xx

  11. Glad you are well and taking care of yourself! Love the lemons…

  12. you rest up, love!
    we’ll still be here, always happy to see you!

  13. souliday looks good on *you*….


  14. love you zesty lady!!!

    love and light

  15. That photo of the single lemon on the branch is incredible! We all need to take breaks. Enjoy yours!

  16. yer beautiful!! lap up that sunshine and lemon zest and relish that well deserved rest. loving you!

  17. The blogosphere isn’t the same without your type of plumage. Thanks and enjoy the yellow rays of all stripe for us…

  18. Oh girl, I get the need to rest–and the adrenal thing. That’s exactly where I’m at too. Rest up!xxo

  19. So glad you’re ‘off gridding’ and enjoying some zest-full rest. Looking forward to your future posts after your quality time with RW and naps!

  20. Sending you love, my dear. Healing, happy, soulful love. Rest up, revive, revel.

  21. Be well and enjoy your creative rest! It’s really what it takes sometimes.

  22. Two nights ago, it was -49 with the windchill here. This looks like paradise. I’m so glad you’re taking a month off.