A big old fashioned preview!

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This is a portion of the new pieces that will be part of my next shop update which WAS planned for the morning of Friday May 9th, however, I have been in a boxing match with a patchy/lazy internet connection today (yes, that still happens in some places…) and now I am tired, mildly irate and only partially prepared for tomorrow.  Instead of staying up all night long working I am choosing to enjoy the evening with Robert and tomorrow I will continue to chip away at photography work and shop listing drafts.  I AM SO SORRY to reschedule this update, for a second time.  Forgive me.

With that said, my intentions are to update the shop on Monday morning, May 12, at 10AM MST.  Wild horses couldn’t drag me from the notion.

See you there, little tweeters.


:::Post Scriptus:::

I wanted to add that one of my things is putting stuff inside of other stuff — with regards to designs in metal.  I’ve had the Adaptation Series sketched out in an older sketchbook and riding the waves of my mind for a couple of years now.  It was nice to see a few of these pieces come to fruition — grizzlies in the bellies of steelhead.  Who would have thought!?!  There’s more coming in this realm and it feels great to tell you so.


  1. I simply adore adore adore adore adore your work! Such an inspiration. Thank you for blessing the world with your creativity!

  2. I love EVERYTHING and am so happy that the update changed.
    I am off work Monday!
    Enjoy your time with your guy,Jillian 🙂 🙂

  3. Wow! Just W.O.W. I wish I had such skills!

  4. Just a fan of your amazing creativity. I love how you integrate nature into your jewelry, and I also find your photography so breathtaking! Looking forward to shopping… Many blessings upon you & your talented hands. Thank you!

  5. Your jewellery is so gorgeous & I love the way you present & photograph it as well 🙂

  6. Dear Jillian, as usual your work is a wonderfull gift for eyes, and i love the way you show them! How sublime pictures! Love AL

  7. I absolutely love your stuff! I never seem to get to the shop in time because all of your beautiful pieces sell so fast! Maybe this time I will luck out.

  8. Such beautiful vignettes.

  9. Oh Jillian, it’s so delightful to see the labors from your bench in full, vivid existence. I’m looking forward to testing my luck at snagging one of these beauties! Have a restful weekend my dear.


  10. Magical musings of a incredible mind. Your work in every facet speaks to me. Some day perhaps I can get to wear and enjoy a piece of your spectacular jewelry. I am sure it will all be gone in mere moments.

  11. Tracey Gardner says

    I LOVE that bracelet with the grizzly inside the steelhead!

  12. jillian.
    wow. i mean…WOW.
    beautiful bird, you keep soaring higher and higher.
    what a delight it is to watch you fly.

  13. so very fantastic. i’m doing a poor job of convincing myself one of those steelhead rings doesn’t have my name all over it, despite just acquiring another of your lovely rings. so awesome!

  14. Thank you all for these swell comments! You are too kind. See you Monday morning, bright and pearly, with a 35 item shop update! XX

  15. Hey 🙂
    Some weeks ago, I found your blog accidentally.
    And I just love our photos, your creativity. I dont’t know how to say it – but theres some kind of athmosphere around your person, your photos and your work , that totally impresses me. Thank you for giving us the possibility to see this world through your eyes while reading your blog 🙂

    I was very excited when I saw this post. I would really like to buy one of these bison-nacklaces. It’s a long story, but people use bison as a nickname for me for years now and somehow these necklaces seem to call for me…
    But I’m not able to find them in your shop 🙁 Am I just too late and there are some other happy ones woh now own all of your jewellery?

    compliments from germany… (so please excuse my english ) xx