Adaptation Cuff

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[Adaptation Cuff:  Steelhead & Grizzly Bears :: sterling silver, prudent man agate and a dark green, lightly banded river stone from the South Fork of the Snake River of Idaho]

On occasion, I see finished work as portion of my life.  This cuff represents three days of my life.  That’s how long it took me to craft it from sketch to final satin finish.  It’s a beauty.  I’ll feel sad to let it go.  It’s such a perfect reflection of me, of the artist or craftswoman who made it.  My passions, my thoughts, my opinions, my standards and my perspectives on life and the wild world I live in here are written on the surface of this piece, stretched across the framework of metal like the skin of a drum.  I am wearing it on my left wrist at the moment; it sits with dignity, a glorious and rich weight, a dash of fierceness and a glimmering knowledge of the Holy.  I love it and want it for myself but there are days when I force myself to be pragmatic about things like this or else I’ll wind up like the terrible Smaug on a pile of handcrafted treasures…

With that said, this is what my hands recently made.  It was hard work.  Intricate work.  I’m pleased with the results.

No, I love the results.