The Quiet

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IMG_0645 Just a handful of quiet beauty to get us through the fullness of Thursday.



  1. No kidding…

  2. Elizabeth Waggoner says

    Late summer perfection.

  3. Michele Leblanc says

    Awww, that’s so nice of you;) hope your day in the studio is a great one!

  4. Yeah, summer is surely winding down…are those YOUR grapes?…wow za!….I have ” Chaco feet ” too!.

  5. i was just thinking
    “this day has not been very kind to me….i’m so done with this day”
    and then
    the quote
    “write it on your heart that every day will be the best day of the year”
    fell into my hands
    and then
    i stopped by ‘here’
    and you filled my evening with beauty and a quiet sort of joy.

    love you, friend.

  6. A beautifully curated set of photos! I just felt the calmness which I really needed 🙂