Shop Update

Thank you all so much for your support today and all days, for that matter.  I appreciate you more than you could ever know.


IMG_8193 IMG_8366IMG_8166 IMG_8155 IMG_8442IMG_8319 IMG_8311IMG_8231 IMG_8208IMG_7541IMG_8199IMG_8179IMG_7539IMG_8169My final shop update for 2014 is happening tomorrow morning at 11AM, mountain time.  I hope to see you there!



  1. Oh my! Beautiful pieces! I have my eye on a couple and hope to score one 🙂

  2. Everything you make is so beautiful!

  3. SO excited! What beauties.

    Your work, words and photos inspire my creativity.

  4. such lovely pieces this time….so much time and effort worked into those little details….
    but most of all, i’m lovin’ the greenery and feathers used as enhancements in the photos.


  5. I always love your work…the details just draw you in!! Lovely. Ive missed your studio mastery!! xoxo

  6. Fingers crossed there’s no power outage tomorrow due to the brutal storm we’re facing soon in the Bay Area!! I love these, one especially… 🙂

  7. They are all so so so very gorgeous! Awesome job!

  8. *CRUSH* !!!!!!!

  9. Gorgeous, Jillian, gorgeous. Wowzah. 🙂

  10. loving those photos of you…and your ornaments too….so beautiful

  11. Ahhhh, collin de bin!!! I missed incompletely!!?!!? I was too early this morning and now too late this afternoon!! Everything was just too beautiful! So glad for you, Jillian! xx

  12. I missed it completely, not incompletely! LOL

  13. So why are you selling your excellent home? Did I miss something?

  14. I love to collect jewelry. You shared eye catching jewelry collection that was wonderful. I am very impressed to see this necklace. Thanks to share it.

  15. your work is really incredible. all of it! creations & photography – definitely inspired
