Nibbling On The Green Edges of Springtime

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  1. Gorgeous photographs of horses that are not so easy to make even if horses look like the most photogenic animal of the planet. And yes, here in the south west part of Canada it is Spring, (but was it ever really winter?). Happy Spring where ever you are!

  2. amazing shots.
    your joy is quite obvious and very palpable.

  3. Michele leblanc says

    Awww, such beautiful horses;) they seem so peaceful and happy, spring time just warms my heart and soul☀️

  4. OH JOY!!!
    Those friends of yours have the best ‘rug like’ manes and oily black colors!
    Nuzzles and breath…must’ve felt so good.

  5. Oh how this tugs at my pony heart strings…so lovely, so gentle & blissful! Great depth of field!!! Xo

  6. I just love your little corner of the web! Reading your ” about” text makes me travel and dream!How is it well written! Blog in my fave!!!

  7. What wild haired beauties!

    My golden girl has been at a boarding facility coming on 3 years this June. It is one of our project goals to finish fencing and shelter to bring her home this summer!

  8. Majestic beings…xo

  9. The horse nose! And the horse knows! That open sky…that open sky…xo,Helen

  10. Elizabeth Waggoner says

    Gotta love the ponies!!!

  11. I never saw a horse I didn’t think was magically beautiful… your photos are stunning.

  12. Such beautiful photo’s…colorful and vibrant. You are living the life. I live in horse country also…and I love them. Polo is the big thing here but riding is my passion anywhere…
    A lovely flickr stream also…I came across you by accident but then, I don’t believe in accidents..
    Have a lovely weekend.


  1. […] Want to see some really stunning photos of horses? […]